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February 19, 2020 03:14:28 +0000 (UTC)




June 02, 2019 17:22:43 +0000 (UTC)


hi beans so i was talking with nija and she was verbally abusing me as usual even though i have doNE nothINg tO desERVE IT woah haha got a little crazy there anYWAYS RIGHT LIKE

i was all like , "girl... u so good at writing event ideas" and shes all like "oh swoon thank u bushido dude ur so tall and smart thakn u for blessing me w/ ur coolness" and that was like, so profound and deep it rly got me thinking u know

i always wanted to write an event idea but i get so distracted at some point and liKE. ITS HAPPENING TODAY. WE'RE DOING THIS!!! ok in honor of all the amazing fanfic / event idea writers out there,, here is my official post joining ur ranks

event name: attack on tol characters: rimi, hagumi, chisato, tomoe & kaoru

HERES HOW THE EVENT WILL PLAY OUT OMG. hagumi is sitting atop the throne in her evil lair, the infamous yet somehow discreet S.M.O.L. headquarters, S.M.O.L. of course standing for "small, mean, odious, and maLicious." these guys are like the red ribbon army from DB in terms of how they try to terrorize the tols.

"muahaha!! i am hagumi," says hagumi, "and i am smol, therefore moderately evil!!" hagumi lets out a shrill cackle as she twiddles her thumbs, but then!! out of a dark corner of the lair emerges dirty money rimi, grinning maniacally while holding an evil baseball bat!

"you are so evil and hot, o mighty smolgumi." rimi gives a courteous bow and then rises, twirling her villainous mustache. she throws her baseball bat away, unable to remember why she brought it in the first place. "i have devised a plan to delete the tols once and for all! no more will they burn our step ladders, make us use booster seats to eat at the dinner table, or i mean like. generally give us a hard time for being smol u know. buT YEAH IT'S EVIL AND WE'RE GONNA DO IT YEET!"

"YEET!" screams mighty smolgumi, flexing her smol skeletal structure in triumph.

"we will need some real muscle for this plan, o mighty smolgumi. i am talking some straight up raw thug life energy, do you know what i am trying to say my g? we need to bring out......... c-dog....." both hagumi and rimi glance over to another dark corner of the lair, and there lies a large cage. a monstrous figure bends the cage's bars out of shape and bursts forth from it, revealing itself to be none other than RICH YUNG CHISATO!

rich yung chisato yodels eagerly, throwing up indeterminate gang signs. "HGHGHGHG!!! ME CHISATO!!! ME RICH YUNG DIRTY FLEX!!!" she then reveals muscles so overwhelmingly powerful and smol, making hagumi and rimi's hearts throb with radiant lesbian radioactivity. the three discuss their plans and head out to assault the tols.

later that day, tomoe is walking home from the casino. she gambled too much and is now flexing sadly, listening intently to kaoru who offers her words of wisdom. "when u screw up in life, sometimes u just have to say heck." says kaoru, causing tomoe's eyes to bulge out of their sockets and rub all over kaoru's tol arms in pure admiration. "u are so wise, wow" mutters tomoe,

they would have went home, but the tol train had been missed by just a few hours. this means they instead had to go through smolrights town, which they did!! in fact, they got through there really safely. bc tall people are rly nice and they never pick on short people, ever--certainly i as the author never have in this tall life of mine. anyways, they make it to "tol and ready to play bol" city, and right before they get home, they see a dark alley way across the street. "hey, let's go into that dark alley way across the street!" says kaoru, and tomoe's eyeballs launch out of their sockets to nod in agreement. they make it to the dark alley way, but gasp! at the end of it stands chisato, flexing her muscles quite savagely!

"ME CHISATO!!! YOU COME HERE GHGHGHGHH LMAO" wails the warrior, tearing off her shirt to reveal her extremely threatening white tank top with dorito and maruchan ramen noodle stains on it. kaoru and tomoe are convinced of her friendliness and walk over. they are immediately smashed in the kneecaps by dirty money rimi, who was hiding within chisato's muscles. the two tols are so startled that they faint!

when they awake, they find themselves in a tiny room with rope binding their arms back. it is very smol and all they can hear is the rapid, mr.krabs-esque scurrying that short-legged feet are known for producing. a small TV turns on before them, revealing smolgumi as she laughs insidiously.

"welcome to my lair, tols!! today u will answer for ur far-reaching crimes, as only the one who is willing to become the smolest will be able to leave this place alive!" and so the evil game begins.

4 star cards: 4* hagumi and 4* rimi!! in hagumi's untrained card, she is swooning over chisato's incredible smol muscles with rimi. in her trained card, she is sitting on a throne in an evil lair, but she looks hecka smol in the throne and is laughing maniacally. in rimi's 4* untrained art, she is hiding in the folds of chisato's muscles in a dark alley way. in her trained art, she is smashing the knee caps of tomoe and kaoru with her bass guitar, simultaneously twirling her large mustache.

3 cards: only chisato. in her untrained art, she is standing in a dark alley way while flexing her muscles savagely. in her trained art, she is standing in a dark alley way wearing a tank top with dorito and maruchan ramen noodle stains. and shes playing a bass guitar but like its not her usual one she just stole it from some dude im scREAMING IN FRENCH

2* cards: tomoe and kaoru! tomoe has her eyes bulging out of their sockets, same as always. she is sad because she gambled a lot of her money away, and is wearing a "tol and ready to play bol" t-shirt. kaoru's card has her wearing a "shakespeare was tol" t-shirt and tomoe's eyeballs are extending from the edge of the card, all the way over to kaoru's arms to rub on them. its kind of like that episode from spongebob when they were eyeballing mr krabs treasure map

thank u for readign this event idea i am now ready to accept any grammys / album of the year awards / nba sponsorship!!!

February 19, 2020 03:01:26 +0000 (UTC)


Just a warning for WW:

Please try EXPERT Ringing Bloom on Free Lives before you attempt it in a Multi-live.

It is a 28. I repeat, it is a 28. In fact, it's a HARD 28.

In my opinion, it gets close to a 29, and I'd rank it as one of the top 3 in difficulty, along with Roku Chounen... (WW's only 29) and Re:birth Day. Thanks, Roselia. XD

I'm writing this because when Ringing Bloom showed up for the first time in a multi-live, I picked Expert habitually (those aforementioned songs and the honorary mention Maware Setsu... are the only songs I can't comfortably play on EX), but noticed that everyone else picked Hard, so I changed to hard. Honestly, hard is at the level of a normal EX already, so don't be ashamed (you should never be ashamed to pick an easier difficulty) to pick it.

I beat Ringing Bloom on EX in a free trial, but my event team has 300 life recovery Ako and Sayo. I would like to remind you guys/y'all that in a multi-live, you could end up with all scorers, so even if you can beat Ringing Bloom on EX, make sure you can do it consistently and without healers before you choose it in a multi-live. I plan on picking hard because, although I replayed it and survived much more, I could die at any time.

In short, try out EX Ringing Bloom in Free Lives before you pick EX in Multi-lives. Make sure you can consistently clear it without healers.

February 19, 2020 04:25:50 +0000 (UTC)



Have our hopes failed us? Find out in the next episode of Dra- ok, I'm sorry, I'll stop.

February 17, 2020 18:46:49 +0000 (UTC)

Oh gosh I was getting prepped for the new event and I just realized I hadn’t purchased any of the...

Oh gosh I was getting prepped for the new event and I just realized I hadn’t purchased any of the Roselia area items lol I’m sorry Roselia

Yeah . . . I can’t believe it but I think Roselia is actually moving up in front of PasuPare in the favorite band list . . .

Anyway! What I was trying to say was, I think I have a pretty sweet team for this event! Three cool Roselia three stars and a few cool four stars! (Remember, I only have cool and powerful four stars so the events I do really good in are Cool and Powerful events ;3)

also it feels so good to use my leetol mocaaaaaa-chan as my leader yay
also. i never changed the name of my band from the christmas event lol
February 07, 2020 15:21:54 +0000 (UTC)

the next jpn event   will probably be an afterglow event so craftegg better do them...

the next jpn event** will probably be an afterglow event so craftegg better do them justice

** the event AFTER the roselia event. goddammit, craftegg

edit 2/18: craftegg. please. stop ignoring afterglow >:U

August 04, 2018 02:55:22 +0000 (UTC)

when ya mom call u n ask u if u wan a hamborger during Guren no Yumiya


when ya mom call u n ask u if u wan a hamborger during Guren no Yumiya


February 18, 2020 11:35:22 +0000 (UTC)

Graphic representation of my reaction the moment when I realize that Prelude Replay will, most...

Graphic representation of my reaction the moment when I realize that Prelude Replay will, most likely, be our last event with Akeko playing Rinko.