September 19, 2018 02:58:37 +0000 (UTC)


fam its been like four days now since it happened and i got something 2 say

i accidentally deleted my bang dream apps while trying to clear up space on my phone. which is obviously no big deal normally, i already have my jp account back. the only problem is, i was looking for my en data transfer info, and realized i didnt have a data transfer for my en account. and, u know how it be.

it kind of sucks bc that was my longest held / most developed bandori account, but at the same time like. it is just a game at the end of the day. if u have me added on ur EN game u should remove me, my account is going to rot for an eternity. rip to bushido dad a tru legend, 2018-2018

edit: okay wait no im hurting a little bit now. i did that tapjoy promo for final fantasy xv, where u have to get to power 100k. that took like a week of playing evry day, but the 5k stars went to the bushido dad account and now i cant do it again. to quote knuckles the echidna, "oh no!"

September 21, 2018 12:52:45 +0000 (UTC)


I didn't really know how the Bandori-community would be, because my only interactions had been through multi lives.

But I've only been on this site for a short time, and everyone is already so positive and nice!

September 21, 2018 10:04:25 +0000 (UTC)


alright, listen up. i almost cried learning rinko's seiyuu was quitting. rinko's my best girl, after all. thank you, ake-san for being a cool ass rinko.

September 20, 2018 03:02:09 +0000 (UTC)

Have you guys seen anything so perfect and beautiful. ...

Have you guys seen anything so perfect and beautiful.

im digging these cards with both girls in them now
September 20, 2018 05:02:45 +0000 (UTC)


i actually learned how to draw a little bit, so i decided to draw Misaki half a month ago

i actually learned how to draw a little bit, so i decided to draw Misaki half a month ago (Yes, im not only try to be a memer, but also an artist)

But i was too shy to post it because after finishing it, i realized how many mistakes are on it and so made me unconfident to post it

But now, im using all my courage( its this a right word?) to post it because i want to overcome my unconfidence

I hope this drawing doesn't give you a nightmare (like the cursed aya image) or anything bad

I hope this drawing would make your day better a little bit.

(yes, i know i could have just copied the copy address but it doesn't work for some reason)