July 12, 2019 15:56:22 +0000 (UTC)


ok, but i really want to see michelle in a bathing suit. it'd look super hilarious i swear to god.

July 10, 2019 20:01:18 +0000 (UTC)

  Day 3
    Favourite PoPiPa Song s 
       Returns and Hikaru Nara  It will shine 

When I first...

Day 3

Favourite PoPiPa Song(s)

Returns and Hikaru Nara (It will shine)

When I first heard Returns on youtube, I froze. Everything...everything about this song...

was perfect

The vocals, the guitar, the piano, the lyrics...everything was so perfect. I immediately became mesmerised and started listening to this song every day (I still do now)

My favourite cover song: Hikaru Nara (It will shine)

I just really like this song. It makes me feel happy and hopeful, like everything in the future will be perfect and everything and everyone will be happy.


July 13, 2019 05:57:42 +0000 (UTC)


i'm very upset. i was playing a vs live and managed to full combo moon pride for the first time but the game froze on the "waiting for other players to finish" screen and eventually it just crashed without any rewards. i've been replaying the song over and over afterwards but can't seem to get it right (those fast slider notes at the beginning and end are killer). i'm just gonna cry for a while...


July 11, 2019 19:51:04 +0000 (UTC)


i am very cautious to tag posts as ‘comedy’ as i know for a fact i am not very funny and whatever humour i do have makes up for the anxiety

February 16, 2019 22:42:20 +0000 (UTC)

ik ran's codename is supposed to be scarlet but the joke is funnier this way

ik ran's codename is supposed to be scarlet but the joke is funnier this way

July 12, 2019 15:25:03 +0000 (UTC)

i thought i would share an edit i did a couple days ago — im just starting to edit and this is my...

i thought i would share an edit i did a couple days ago — im just starting to edit and this is my first one — do any of you card editors have any advice for me?

July 06, 2019 03:42:26 +0000 (UTC)

i meant to get this art done earlier but i didnt have time cause of work!

happy late birthday ako...

i meant to get this art done earlier but i didnt have time cause of work!

happy late birthday ako i love you

June 09, 2019 03:52:09 +0000 (UTC)


Here is today's tea:

Kaoru is dating everybody in HHW and they're all a big happy lesbian family

July 10, 2019 11:24:04 +0000 (UTC)


everyone is angry at the new set because "it's nOT KAORU >:(" and "stop putting kasumi in every new set"

I wanted KaoMaya too, ngl, but like... the Yukina card is gorgeous, and you are all just hating on it?? And ignoring Maya and Tsugumi as well, their cards are awesome but "when will kaoru get a 4star" is all you are focusing in??? yes she needs one but ??????

also if you're angry by Kasumi being in lots of events/sets, remember that she is the main character and the leader of the MAIN BAND. at least they put it in events when it makes sense, unlike with most Kokoro events. (however apparently everyone loves Kokoro)

(Kinda turns into a Koko-rant starting here)

Kokoro events are either HaroHapi ones (okay, makes sense because that's her band) or ones in which she randomly hops in because she thinks it'll be fun. I get why she was in the SayoHina Astrology event because--well, yeah. It's not the randomly hopping in that bothers me (look at the MayaHagu event, Hina and Ako popped out of nowhere), what bothers me is that it's always her. I think that's the reason I kind of dislike her, because I've seen her SO MUCH I'm just tired. And CraftEgg refuses to give her actual development. Make her cry. Make her go out of her persona. Whatever, but stop putting her into events just to make everyone positive. Make a tragic event--heck, look at the Raindrops Sayo event. Hina got her stuff there, so why can't Kokoro?

But no. When it's the main character, it's just ew and repetitive. Call me biased towards Kasumi if you'd like but I'm tired of this.

July 11, 2019 01:15:32 +0000 (UTC)

actual photo of me trying to talk Bushiroad into adding RAS to the game

actual photo of me trying to talk Bushiroad into adding RAS to the game