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April 27, 2020 20:11:31 +0000 (UTC)


Sorry for the lack of inactivity, tbhk is still taking over my life. Despite all the time on my hands, I’m yet to actually finish a single drawing because I’m stupid, cus like I said, tbhk is still taking over my life, not that that’s a problem...

Anyway, how’re your guys’ quarantines goin? Usually I wouldn’t be affected because I’m a homeschooled hermit, but I haven’t seen my friend in a while and I miss her. I also really wanna go to the beach, which I won’t be able to do this summer if covid stays around until then. Buuuut my parents were talking about getting cheap plane tickets and flying to Florida because no one cares down there (like us) so that’s possibly fun (shh don’t tell the government)