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April 26, 2020 23:22:18 +0000 (UTC)

Heyo! This is my actual introduction since I'm pretty sure a tier list doesn't count? I actually...

Heyo! This is my actual introduction since I'm pretty sure a tier list doesn't count? I actually started playing Bandori on EN around one month ago and hope to have better gacha luck! I've always enjoyed everyone's posts/activties and finally have the courage to share about myself! I hope that I join this wonderful community ! :>

My Best Girls are Arisa, Himari, Ako, Kasumi, Aya but I love everyone in their own way!

I love all Bands, but Pastel Palettes are my favorite! (I'm a cute things lover!)

More Fact about me! I love Cookies and love every kind of them! I am very poor of gems and always end up spending them on event gachas! I have only five four star cards!

Nice to meet you! (I'm also a big otaku fan! AND A PROUD KASUARI SHIPPER!)

Thank you for reading this! Your Boppin'!

Recent: Himari probably moved into my best girls very quickly! I keep on re-reading Re-zero and season two is going to be awesome! It's probably gonna take a while so at the time, I'll become a light novel fan!

Lastly yet unrelated to Bandori...

REM IS BEST GIRL like if you agree!