Community / Feed / Activity

December 10, 2019 21:40:14 +0000 (UTC)

Hey, everyone! My name's  ChomamaLi , but you can call me Chomama, Li, Li san, or Li chan! 


Hey, everyone! My name's -ChomamaLi-, but you can call me Chomama, Li, Li-san, or Li-chan!

I've used this website since I started playing BanG Dream and am super excited to finally have an account to manage all of my cards and share my artwork and gacha pulls and whatnot! (I also have some killer memes.)

Outside of doing BanG Dream, I love writing, art, and programming. I've filled almost a whole sketchbook with fanmade event cards, and a whole Google Doc with the event stories and details!

Some other stuff about me? Um, my favorite food is potato soup or Chinese, my favorite color is mint green, my favorite animal is a raccoon, and my top five girls, in order of favorite, are (don't mind the nicknames):

Aa-chan, Moca-chan, O-Tae-chan, Mii-kun, and Kanon-san! :)

Okay, see you guys!

EDIT: My favorite band is Afterglow and my favorite song is Su-Suki Nanka Janai/I-I Never Said Love/Chomama (OBVIOUSLY.)