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November 20, 2019 09:15:49 +0000 (UTC)

I don’t know what this new mechanic is, but from what I’m understanding, you get a 50% point bonus...

I don’t know what this new mechanic is, but from what I’m understanding, you get a 50% point bonus instead of 30% for fufilling both bonuses?

Haven’t seen any translated news about this. I know it’s different from the double boost for 50% in a stat bonus. This is for regular lives, but there’s also the same thing for Challenge Live but for Band Power... I think?

Edit: Using Cool Roselia is giving me a 50% point bonus. I’m using a team of 2 Cool Roselia and 2 Happy Roselia and I’m getting a bonus of 140%. I’d show another screenshot if I could on a phone.

On Challenge Live, the section that tells me the bonus is showing me both Cool Roselias with 50% with some text with a plus on the card’s corner. I have no clue what the stat up bonus looks like on here (it’s the same as on the card menu so I assume that’s it) but I am fairly sure this means using the event’s attribute and character gives you a 50% BP and the 50% stat bonus.

I love how most people go “Cards!” while I’m just here going “Game mechanics!”. Gotta give people information.