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April 01, 2019 12:14:14 +0000 (UTC)


Hello beautiful people. I'd like to ask about your experience with the game and in your management skills in particular. Let me explain, I've been playing the game since the release of the jp server and since then I created more than one account. The first one is long gone because of incredible unluck; the second one is my main (which was created during the first anniversary) and it's quite pretty; the third one, created during the second Valentine's day event, it features both Valentine's day complete sets + the new limited Sayo and Moca. Now, I think that managing two accounts is pretty stressful and my questions are: Do you have more than one account? Do you switch every now and then or play both on different devices? Is it worth keep a side account even if it's more valuable than your main?

Atm, I'm pretty confused, I want to keep only one account but both thm have cards I do love + the fact that I can't grind for both kills me a little...