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August 06, 2018 02:57:00 +0000 (UTC)


When none of Afterglow would go to the beach with Himari I almost cried. Like poor baby PLEASE go to the beach with her!!!

August 06, 2018 23:08:21 +0000 (UTC)


Why I always choose Random in Multi Live:

**Me: **"duuh where the fuck is the choco cornet song"

scrolls for 12 hours

Everyone else in the Live: COLLECTIVLEY SHITS PANTS

Me at the last second: "well damn I can't find it Random it is :3"

August 05, 2018 18:46:50 +0000 (UTC)


honestly I'm so glad the event story on EN right now is what it is. like you look at the Rinko card and you think "oh no this is gonna be pure fanservice on the expense of Rinko's comfort isn't it" but then it's actually the complete opposite - Rinko stepping out of her comfort zone at a pace that suits her, everyone being super understanding of her boundaries, the girls working hard together at the beach hut to help Aya out, and by the end Rinko is happy that she went even though she initially didn't want to ... and Himari got her beach day like she wanted too!

Rinko's slow progress especially is so relatable and well written, I've been in similar situations both positive and negative and I'm so glad she has friends that let her be herself but still give her a hand to pull her out of her little bubble if she wants them to

this is one of these instances where I just ... [raises hands to the sky] I LOVE BANDORI'S WRITING SO MUCH

August 06, 2018 12:18:46 +0000 (UTC)


Alright. I need to rant.Gonna do a lot of swearing so please keep in mind if you don't want to get triggered, DON'T READ THIS...seriously!!

First off, i wanna play some multi 5 times,and every single one has this problem that's just irritate me a lot.

First multi live, playing like usual, a guy fail but still manage to get fever. Not to dissapointed. Maybe he's just having lag,not a big problem eh...

Second multi live, a guy choose the newest song, yup, its none other than the Happy Summer Wedding by harohapi with those kinda random beatmap just like most of other songs from them.This one other guy choose normal so i thought "hey, its okay but please get as many score as you can".so in the beginning, this guy that choose normal just instantly died, FUCKING DIED, and i was like "oh my god, what the actual fuck is going on with you? " and i still play till fever time and this guy can't even help with fever and he's not even DC'ed. I was very frustated because you know what... After its done, i see his score and i was shook.

Normal difficulty 141 Notes Fucking Missed In the Master room ┌∩┐(◣_◢)┌∩┐

I was so angry i just spam the nurse ako emote (yeah you know that one) because we don't have the emote that says "Fuck You" so what can i do... I just fucking hate this guy. If you can't do it or don't want to play the song,GO FUCKING PRACTICE IN THE PUBLIC ROOM!.Master room isn't for practice goddamnit,or just dodge the Fucking song from the beggining FOR FUCK SAKE.I kinda want to choke this guy for real...

Next multi live, play like usual.a guy choose expert and fail, but still got the fever done right so i don't mind about it. Its doesn't make me feel better from before tho...

Fourth multi live, a guy just DC'ed straight after the songs just start. Only four people playing, no fever, no fun at all. At this time, im just so fuckin pissed...

Fifth multi live, last live boost. A guy choose easy difficulty so i thought "if this guy fucking fail this live, i swear to god you better stop playing this goddamn game".the song start, we play it until i realized...

That guy just got DC'ed from the start

Now i've spent all my LB that i've waited for 5 hours and all of that was spent for such a terrible multi fuckin live. This just make me so dissapointed, sad, and im so fuckin pissed right now.

Some of you might say "Why are you so rude? Those guy can play whatever the fuck they want. Its just a game"

Yeah, i get that. First off, read my profile.Second,People that plays in master room mostly go there to tier up and the event is still going so people will spent their LB to play multi live and get score to rank up,of course. But waiting for 30 minutes and up to one and half hour just to get your score cuts down in half is not a good thing, ITS NOT FUCKING NICE OK!?

This is maybe just me being an asshole, but master room is normally filled by people that can play hard and expert difficulty. Its kinda "out of place" to actually play normal or just worse, easy difficulty in master room. If you want to play in master room, please for THE LOVE OF GOD practice first in the lower level room.At least until you're proficient enough to play hard mode on daily basis. Before i join master room, i always tried to play songs in hard mode as best as i could because you know what? im EMBARASSED if i play there with normal difficulty.if you can only play normal difficulty, its okay... You will be FC'ing those songs in hard or expert someday, i can guarantee that if you keep practicing. The point is that you get out of your comfort zone and do that fuckin hard songs like its your goddamn breakfast and you will be proud of yourself.

I can't say the same for the whales though. I've seen a top 100 player and play a song in normal difficulty and he's in the master room yet this guy just got the same amount of score with his normal FC compared to my hard FC score so its kinda okay for me (i don't know how to feel about it. I really do) . But if you can play it on harder difficulty and got more scores,why not?

That's it guys, sorry for the long ass post. If you feel triggered or just annoyed by me. I get it... I did warn you tho lol. You guys can call me toxic, rude, or even an asshole and its okay. I don't even mind it at this point.Thank you

Edit:Guys why would you like this post, its just some rant that i want to share lmao

August 06, 2018 05:13:40 +0000 (UTC)

JPSG convention. Holding signed cards by Aimi and Rimi from the meet and greet.

JPSG convention. Holding signed cards by Aimi and Rimi from the meet and greet.

August 05, 2018 13:53:06 +0000 (UTC)

I want to be top 1000.
It may be difficult for me...but I'll do my best!

I want to be top 1000. It may be difficult for me...but I'll do my best!

August 04, 2018 05:34:55 +0000 (UTC)

WHOOPS I post this at 12:33 in the morning...
Anyway this is a fan made thing

WHOOPS I post this at 12:33 in the morning... Anyway this is a fan made thing

August 01, 2018 18:11:43 +0000 (UTC)


12500 STARS


i got himari twice though anD 4 3* IN ONE HECKING PULL



im 75 stars away from pulling again, i will update this when i do and if i don't get lisa, im going to silently cry until this gacha comes back again if it does

also im aiming for that valentine's lisa and the limited kaoru after that so hahahhahaha im not pulling in any gachas until those ones.


EDIT: I made enough and pulled. Connected Pair Lisa came, but not Dazzling Summer. You know who did? INVINCIBLE HERO KOKORO DUPLICATE. KOKORO, PLEASE, I'VE GOTTEN YOU 4 TIMES BY NOW. PLEASE LET LISA COME INSTEADDDDDDD