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April 29, 2020 21:34:24 +0000 (UTC)


Was anyone able to watch the ARGONAVIS live?

i joined around the time ren ran into nayuta at the karaoke place where ren went, "i'm so excited to sing on stage with argonavis, gyroaxia, and nayuta-kun! it must've been fate that we met here!" i'm sobbing hfdskj nayuren rights ren is so whipped,,, i sadly missed the first day and epsilon on the start of the second day but my friend managed to record their cover of roki and this just confirmed my statement that shuu is just a stinky rat LMAO jk ily shuu even if you're a rat twin of mafumafu lmao. can't wait for their cover of anti-clockwise!! haruka as soraru is gonna kill me ik for sure lol

the boys wouldn't stop going to the wrong studios for rehearsals fhdjkfs you're all so dumb ily

hearing ren singing tenchi gaeshi (haikyuu ED 1 ) and yuuto's guitar in it was amazing,,, it made me cry jfsahfk it felt so nostalgic

banri and ren singing go!! (naruto OP 4 i believe) was great too!! i love banri's vocals omg,, banren rights too they kinda cute doe

and ofc my favorite part, the encore song!! i didn't know how well aaside would sound with nayuren singing but god did it blow me away i love them aaaaa. hopefully they'll upload the full live videos for both days, it doesn't really make sense that they don't since it wasn't a paid thing but yknow

April 29, 2020 22:46:23 +0000 (UTC)


I wish I could change my avatar but changing the avatar using "Gravatar" is pretty hard for me. I wish there is an easier way to change my avatar.

April 29, 2020 04:59:28 +0000 (UTC)


I just got the Switch I ordered today and I started playing ACNH. I love it so far! I've made a HaroHapi hoodie and a RAS hat. I'll bost those on tomorrow.

April 29, 2020 02:51:09 +0000 (UTC)

im mika also number 1 chisato lover :D
u mightve seen me before but im starting new so hi 


im mika also number 1 chisato lover :D u mightve seen me before but im starting new so hi

i like cats, gaming, bandori, minecraft, magicial girls and im a huge lesbian uwu thank u <3

April 27, 2020 20:11:31 +0000 (UTC)


Sorry for the lack of inactivity, tbhk is still taking over my life. Despite all the time on my hands, I’m yet to actually finish a single drawing because I’m stupid, cus like I said, tbhk is still taking over my life, not that that’s a problem...

Anyway, how’re your guys’ quarantines goin? Usually I wouldn’t be affected because I’m a homeschooled hermit, but I haven’t seen my friend in a while and I miss her. I also really wanna go to the beach, which I won’t be able to do this summer if covid stays around until then. Buuuut my parents were talking about getting cheap plane tickets and flying to Florida because no one cares down there (like us) so that’s possibly fun (shh don’t tell the government)

April 27, 2020 05:22:47 +0000 (UTC)

  Enstars Related


You are the best Nii chan in the world and no one...

Enstars Related


You are the best Nii-chan in the world and no one can top that.

We love you no matter how tall you are, so keep being a great Idol.

We love you Nii-chan!

I also think I'm getting better at making graphic edits. If yall have some tips I would really love them. (I'm using PicsArt)
April 26, 2020 00:06:11 +0000 (UTC)



Taking over Yamabuki Bakery Part 2: Cornet Boogaloo

In case your confused why they look raw, they're not done. I haven't baked them yet.