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December 08, 2018 23:06:22 +0000 (UTC)

Hi everyone I’m back!! 

Sorry for being gone so long :  my iPad got lost at my grandmas house and...

Hi everyone I’m back!!

Sorry for being gone so long :( my iPad got lost at my grandmas house and I didn’t get it for a week


today when I got it back Syo greeted me and I squealed And then Kaoru greeted me and I squealed And then the photo happened And




December 09, 2018 01:27:18 +0000 (UTC)

I didn’t get Ran but I got the 4☆Eve and the new 3☆Himari!

Good pull.

I didn’t get Ran but I got the 4☆Eve and the new 3☆Himari!

Good pull.

December 09, 2018 01:34:20 +0000 (UTC)

Okay, so I usually do a solo pull or two on some gachas if I like the character/outfits, which I...

Okay, so I usually do a solo pull or two on some gachas if I like the character/outfits, which I like all of them so uhh basically every gacha ever? but this totally surprised me! A Yukina 3* which has an adorable outfit came home! I mean, just look at this:


Note - Good luck to everyone scouting tonight, I hope Ran/Himari/Everyone'sFavoriteGirls finds their way home!

Another edit, sorry: The new Yukina card scored me +30 on a future event! Sqeeeee

December 09, 2018 03:15:21 +0000 (UTC)

Ran never came home and neither did Himari BUT HINA DID! :D :D :D :D

And she's smile too so she...

Ran never came home and neither did Himari BUT HINA DID! :D :D :D :D

And she's smile too so she would help immensely with the YOLO Event.

December 09, 2018 07:13:46 +0000 (UTC)

This Girl ⬆️ Wants these girls for Christmas ⬆️
Santa PLEASE PLEASE give me gacha luck I’ve been a...

This Girl ⬆️ Wants these girls for Christmas ⬆️ Santa PLEASE PLEASE give me gacha luck I’ve been a good girl. Also maybe help me bring ran home??

September 30, 2018 03:23:47 +0000 (UTC)


hey you all, sad day here telling you i didn’t even pull witch michelle out of the gacha. probably cause all the shipz i like S u c k ! learn and tell, don’t pull cause of shipz, pull cause you like the character. unlike this Failure. got a initial rinko though, nice


this is my face after the pull

December 09, 2018 03:24:53 +0000 (UTC)

В самый последний момент скаутнула в час ночи по Москве 8

В самый последний момент скаутнула в час ночи по Москве 8)

ru Translate from Russian to English
December 08, 2018 04:18:49 +0000 (UTC)


In a final bid for Christmas Arisa, I made a wishlist post and then went on a card story splurge last night, got to 2000 stars, went to bed and waited for the 500 from the event rewards. But that wasn't enough and I knew it bc it is a truth universally acknowledged that festive disaster tsuns don't come home unless you put on a Santa hat, play Christmas no Uta on a screechy yellow recorder from Aldi, open the stubborn mule of a card on BanPa and add it to your account, have someone who loves the disaster tsun just as much as you wish you luck (thank you so much Arisa_ichigaya), and then finally, sing the disaster tsun's chorus in Christmas no Uta and press the fateful button exactly as you get to the line that translates to 'You were able to transform my world' (I'm sorry this is super cheesy but hhh)

I mean



Believe in the magic of Christmas guys I hope your best girls and dream cards bless you all too

December 08, 2018 11:38:59 +0000 (UTC)


I didn't have any luck with Arisa with the Christmas gacha, yet I still had a lot of fun! I got 3 new 3*'s and a couple of 2*'s from old events, which I enjoy reading the story of!

Here are the cards I've gotten from the Bright Christmas gacha, in order from date received (left to right):

Image with a link Image with a link Image with a link Image with a link Image with a link

I am thankful for the new 3*'s and all the stories I will be able to read~

December 07, 2018 15:31:50 +0000 (UTC)


I, being my desperate self, scouted again, saw gold lights, DUPE TIME

Image with a link

While it wasn't Arisa, it was the last original outfit I needed in order to give A-glow their full set of original outfits~ that made me kinda happy in a sense. Anyways, I only have two scouts left over for this event, so good luck to me x.x