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October 08, 2018 00:28:07 +0000 (UTC)

Okay fam. Tomoe’s my best girl now and nobody can change that now. FOR A GLOW!!!!!  Raises ramen...

Okay fam. Tomoe’s my best girl now and nobody can change that now. FOR A-GLOW!!!!! -Raises ramen bowl- (Sorry Kokoro)

April 27, 2018 04:17:17 +0000 (UTC)


heeeeeeeeeeeya im kou & i drew the ever so gracious contradiction who i love very much............

heeeeeeeeeeeya im kou & i drew the ever so gracious contradiction who i love very much......... lisa!

May 07, 2018 18:42:34 +0000 (UTC)


a lot of people don't like sayo because she's so rude and cold all the time, and I guess that's fair, since I usually don't care about that type of character too. but... the fact is, her personality developed like this for reasons I relate to, and THAT's what really made me not like her at first.

bear with me, because this is going to get a bit personal: the fear of not being enough, of always being compared to someone else who is better than you in every single way and being that person's shadow... I felt and sometimes still feel like that too. obviously, the person I'm talking about is not like hina at all, and the reasons I had for those feelings are not the same as sayo's, but I was reading about something that reminded me of the ugly parts of my personality and of some pretty bad memories. and I absolutely loathed that. I couldn't stand sayo and her relationship with hina in that moment. then, I read more of roselia's story, and I came to understand that what I really hated of sayo were the parts of her that reminded me of my shortcomings; and from then, seeing her find her own place within roselia was really touching.

I guess the point of all this is... I never thought a gacha/mobage game could make me feel so strongly about a character and their story, or that I could personally relate to it. bandori's writing is just... extremely good!!!! the characters are well fleshed out and their relationships with each other are believable... totally not what I expected from this game.

September 24, 2018 17:07:57 +0000 (UTC)

I made a drawing of Rinko to show she's one of my favourite characters and I'm gonna miss her. But...

I made a drawing of Rinko to show she's one of my favourite characters and I'm gonna miss her. But the umbrella looks awful :(. Rin-rin we love you and we'll do anything for Roselia we promise.

Edit: I'm working for the colouring one so don't worry.

Edit2: I lost it. :'(

October 08, 2018 01:03:40 +0000 (UTC)

Ok, so the new Angst cards should be coming out soon, and my child might be CRYING?! Oof 薫、やめてよ!...

Ok, so the new Angst cards should be coming out soon, and my child might be CRYING?! Oof 薫、やめてよ! Baby plz don’t cry adhjefhkshf

October 04, 2018 17:14:19 +0000 (UTC)

I got a bit late on the BanG Dream event since it’s October so I have to start late. ☹️

I got a bit late on the BanG Dream event since it’s October so I have to start late. ☹️ Anyway, Kasumi is my favourite Popipa member and here’s a drawing of her. I’ll do others on the next post.

Edit: I'm too lazy to catch up. So I won't do it.

October 07, 2018 16:57:55 +0000 (UTC)

i wanted to try actually using outer glow and im still in a summer mode even though its autumn...

i wanted to try actually using outer glow and im still in a summer mode even though its autumn

also hot take: yukina looks great w/ pink

October 08, 2018 00:42:15 +0000 (UTC)


Glitter Green 4Kids. Because you thought it would be over.

Yvonne is Rihanna’s older sister. But she can also, like, play guitar and sing at the same time, which is like, totes cool. Reese is the bassist. She also, like, works at an instrument place. I heard that when the store is empty, she likes playing with her Niall Horan voodoo doll. Natalie is the class president. She, like, plays the keyboard and she wears glasses. OMG, like, what a nerd! Hilda is the drummer of Glitter Green. She likes cute things. She has like, such a cute voice, but she was tragically told to shut it by Reese.