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April 13, 2019 21:42:38 +0000 (UTC)


I love Maya's casual outfits so much sigh


That's it. That's the post.
April 14, 2019 01:11:20 +0000 (UTC)

Night art ^^
I want to go to the sea TT
Был на море в последний раз в 2014 году в летнем...

Night art ^^ I want to go to the sea TT

Был на море в последний раз в 2014 году в летнем лагере и дико соскучился

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April 14, 2019 15:56:24 +0000 (UTC)

  Happy Birthday Tomoe!

Let's all hope that Tomoe has an amazing birthday, can understand more...

Happy Birthday Tomoe!

Let's all hope that Tomoe has an amazing birthday, can understand more about Ako and what to do when she is crying, can cherish her moment with the other girls, can have more self-confident, and continuous to play her amazing drum skill for Afterglow.

April 12, 2019 22:40:43 +0000 (UTC)

 deep breath  

I love all the bandori girls so much, but some I just like more over the others,...

(deep breath)

I love all the bandori girls so much, but some I just like more over the others, let’s use HaroHapi as an example. So my favorite HaroHapian is Kaoru, then second faves are Misaki and Kanon, and third favorites are Kokoro and Hagumi. I think I’ve just never investigated them too much, so I don’t know too much about them. Yes, backstory matters too much. A character like Chisato may seem cold and mean at first, but once you read her backstory, “mwdmldmkeowfjws uwu i love!” or “Actually, she’s not that bad at all!” so back on the HaroHapians, as I said, I don’t really hate anything about Kokoro or Hagumi, it’s just because I hav n’t read too much of their story ye t

kmdwijferj what

April 14, 2019 17:57:00 +0000 (UTC)


Bandori, 30 Day challenge

Day 10: Favorite Harohapi Character

credits: okusawamiikun

Image Image

They’re my babies !!

I love Hagumi and Kanon with a passion

but lately i think I prefer hagumi...? over kanon...??? ugh, i’m a horrible person, I love you so much kanon you know that but hagumi is babie

And UNDERRATED, hagumi = underrated

my girl deserve more appreciation

stan hagumi (and stan kanon obviously)

April 13, 2019 02:10:19 +0000 (UTC)

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