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September 01, 2018 04:23:28 +0000 (UTC)

alright now i got something super quicko to say ... i love whoever this “YouOnlyLiveOnce!!!!!!!”...

alright now i got something super quicko to say ... i love whoever this “YouOnlyLiveOnce!!!!!!!” person is but who are they??!!

i really have no idea fam, we were friends on my old account & they found me somehow again. they are a super big afterglow fan tho i can tell and bOI we had a hella lit play session togetherR whoa nelly

we played a bunch of afterglow songs & spammed afterglow stickers, they kept FC’ing like a beast and their thicc score helped me get a bunch of event prizes too lmao like. this person is a blessing to my soul. u might not ever see this whoever u are, but ur a tru brother/sister in afterglow. YOLO!!!!!!!

October 11, 2018 17:25:49 +0000 (UTC)


Ya know, I only really listen to the songs as they come on EN so I haven't really listened to the other songs not in the game yet. I wasn't really sold on Roselia's music (sorry) but I just wanted to say that ONENESS is an absolute banger!! Made me a lot more optimistic about their stuff!

October 11, 2018 03:54:11 +0000 (UTC)


Somebody else see the Zankoku na Tenshi no Teze song in the game? Does that means is already in the code so we just have to wait? Because I really want to play that song