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January 27, 2019 00:09:51 +0000 (UTC)

    Day 4/30: Favorite Afterglow member

Tomo chin is cool, epic, and an utter disaster. i love...

Day 4/30: Favorite Afterglow member

Tomo-chin is cool, epic, and an utter disaster. i love her

January 29, 2019 15:50:57 +0000 (UTC)


i hope i'll have time and desire to play bandori at summer cause i stilll feel uncomfortable and worthless here because i'm too untalented for drawing or doing edits, and i'm not funny enough to make memes and i have no time to play... -w-

January 29, 2019 16:56:21 +0000 (UTC)


original challenge by okusawamiikun here

Day 4 - Favorite Afterglow character


Himari!!! Himari is my best girl overall, I love her with my whole lesbean heart,, She became my best girl only a couple months ago, she started as my 2nd best girl but then overtook the throne sometime in September last year i believe? I've scouted for every single one of her 4*s to no avail haha Anyway, I absolutely Love Himari Uehara, she's so cute and I love everything about her,,, Hey, Hey, Hoh~!!! am i right haha haha i love you himari pls come home ♥

January 28, 2019 19:53:53 +0000 (UTC)

    Day 6/30: Favorite Pasupare member

I love Eve so much! I always root for her in her event...

Day 6/30: Favorite Pasupare member

I love Eve so much! I always root for her in her event stories, she just has that effect on me

January 28, 2019 01:02:33 +0000 (UTC)

    Day 5/30: Favorite Afterglow song 

This was a lot harder than you think, but between...

Day 5/30: Favorite Afterglow song

This was a lot harder than you think, but between Jamboree! Journey! and Y.O.L.O!!!!! it was the star imagery

January 24, 2019 23:54:22 +0000 (UTC)

    Day 2/30: Favorite Popipa character 

Kasumi has a very special place in my heart right next...

Day 2/30: Favorite Popipa character

Kasumi has a very special place in my heart right next to Hagumi

January 23, 2019 18:25:33 +0000 (UTC)

    Day 1/30: Favorite band

I love!! Harohapi!! So much!! They're so good and they just wanna...

Day 1/30: Favorite band

I love!! Harohapi!! So much!! They're so good and they just wanna make everyone smile and i love them!!!

January 17, 2019 02:16:28 +0000 (UTC)

I'm happy to report the MAGFest BanG Dream cosplay gathering was a massive success! A random...

I'm happy to report the MAGFest BanG Dream cosplay gathering was a massive success! A random photographer came and helped me run the shoot, which was really helpful. At the end, we had a little performance where a Yukina cosplayer sang some Bandori songs while I played my guitar and a Lisa cosplayer played her ukulele. I suck at guitar, but we still had fun. The other cosplayers even waved their penlights around during the performance.

I have another thing to announce: the Katsucon photoshoot has been CONFIRMED for Friday at 7 PM in the Potomac Hallway (photoshoot location 3)! See you there!

I was thinking after the shoot we could relocate to the hall near the tables (where the jampod is for Magfest) so any of us who brought instruments could jam on some Bandori chord charts like at MAGFest.

Also... I purposely scheduled an evening shoot because I thought we could have a group dinner after the shoot is over. The Touhou group does those all the time, and they're always fun. Would anyone be interested in that? I was thinking we could meet in the Gaylord lobby at around 8 to 8:30. That would give everyone enough time to change out of their costumes if needed.

***UPD8: I completely forgot to post the Facebook event link here!

January 29, 2019 06:11:44 +0000 (UTC)


ok first before i say anything this is a once in a lifetime thing im not doing this often im not a traitor to the smol empire pinky swear

second thIS IS N O T SURRENDER this is only an honest opinion

ok so tbh there are two opinions i have of sasquatches:

  1. fuck them lets yeet them across the earth

  2. i fucking love them they are my life and soul the day to my night ♡

suprisingly mostly 2 but i have a sliver of 1 in me tbh

but like seriously ive looked up to tols since i was little(like the size of a ruler) and have always wanted to be like them and the opinion never really changed yknow????? so just sayin tols, yall are actually really cool and uh ily all you sasquatches ♡ (=´∀`)人(´∀`=) i hope we can be mutual


January 29, 2019 14:04:19 +0000 (UTC)

Day 2/30 of Okusawamiikun's challenge

  Favorite Popipa Character

It's Rimi! Seeing her be...

Day 2/30 of Okusawamiikun's challenge

Favorite Popipa Character

It's Rimi! Seeing her be determined in the stories makes me love her and her love for choco cornets is really cute!

I am bad at explaining stuff please forgive me ><