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June 09, 2019 00:12:37 +0000 (UTC)

      Ah, recolouring the background just to set up the actual colours was a bit...
Ah, recolouring the background just to set up the actual colours was a bit tiring.

Everyone, keep being awesome! Be who you want to be!

May 26, 2024 18:42:41 +0000 (UTC)

Ended up redoing the Garupa Sorter again! It’s been a minute, and reading the band stories and event...

Ended up redoing the Garupa Sorter again! It’s been a minute, and reading the band stories and event stories (mainly Morfonica) definitely moved some of my favorites. My top 3 are still the same as last time (Kokoro, Hina, Tae), but I think the rest have changed order a bit.

May 26, 2024 11:55:07 +0000 (UTC)


is there anyway to get old event cards?? i played ages ago and i lost my account and i've only just restarted and i'd kill to get old event cards esp the p5 collab ones

September 21, 2020 22:55:38 +0000 (UTC)

  Day 2   Least Favorite Character s 
My least favorite character has got to be Aya, I hardly see...

Day 2 - Least Favorite Character(s)

My least favorite character has got to be Aya, I hardly see any originality in her and don't find her as enjoyable as other characters in Bandori.

Credits to Riru for making this challenge board.

September 26, 2020 14:33:03 +0000 (UTC)


Image i saw this challenge and a lot of people do that, so i decided to do that, too.

note: those are just my opinions, you can like whichever character, song etc. and just like i said, those are my opinions.

Day 1: Favourite character(s):

  • top ten favourites (+bonus one):
  1. Eve Wakamiya
  2. Chiyu Tamade
  3. Ako Udagawa
  4. Hina Hikawa
  5. Kasumi Toyama
  6. Tsukushi Futaba
  7. Hagumi Kitazawa
  8. Tomoe Udagawa
  9. Kaoru Seta
  10. Tae Hanazono

and bonus, Kokoro Tsurumaki!


(also yes i love the udagawa sisters)

Edit (5/5/2024): apparently, this list is super outdated. My opinion has changed... quite a lot. My favourites now are Chisato and Arisa (but I do like the ones in this list such as Eve, Tae & Hina).

credit goes to: Riru for the actual challenge board.

August 16, 2020 15:29:30 +0000 (UTC)

    I was scrolling through the community players map, and it seems like one of the players live in...

I was scrolling through the community players map, and it seems like one of the players live in the Arctic Ocean....? 😂

June 09, 2022 01:05:46 +0000 (UTC)


hi banpa!!!!!

now,,, i don’t know if i’ve ever said this publicly, but i love the shuffle bands. i think about ‘em a whooooole bunch ( ̄∇ ̄) something about the concept is super fun to me!!!

and you may be thinking, “cool awesome, why are you saying this?” well…. i….

made my own shuffle band!!! i decided to use my fav characters for it, so, without further ado….

now presenting sugaR☆hearT !!!


i’ll probably add a little more info later…….. i just really wanted to get this concept out there, pffft

also… i think this would be pretty neat to maybe see other people do something similar… because i really do love shuffle bands with my whole heart

edit: more info about the band!

style: pop, usually sweet love songs or heart wrenching laments.

writer: arisa, sayo, occasionally eve

leader: eve

general dynamic: an unlikely group, brought together by the shyness/loneliness they each experience. as a band, they’re constantly pushing each other to open up, and forming sR☆hT was a part of this goal. eve is the primary motivator for the group, and he makes sure to plan plenty of group outings. kanon and rimi were afraid to perform on stage at first, but as time has passed they’ve both learned to love performing. arisa, ostracised from her peers because of her sharp tongue, felt hesitant towards eve and sayo’s offer, but eventually decided to give it a try, and discovered her passion for singing the songs that she and sayo wrote. together, sR☆hT wants to win over the world, and show every single person that they too can overcome anything.

June 14, 2021 17:08:42 +0000 (UTC)


Do you think glitter*green or any other band will be ever added to the game anymore? I mean yes, they are 4 members but maybe they could replace the 5th member with someone?