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July 17, 2018 12:58:27 +0000 (UTC)


Hello, I'm not sure if all of you saw the post about the Ann-Himari card but I wanted to say

I apologize if I started any discourse. I really was just heated in the moment and I've calmed down now. I do wish Himari's card was less... well.. that. But I still love it regardless. And I wish Ann were portrayed better.

What really got me was people saying Himari's cards were always like that but she only really has maybe.. one fan service-y card and anything other than that is just big boobs struggles tbh i relate Himari,,

anyway, I'm super sorry. If anyone is mad at me I understand. I'm a couple days late to say anything so sorry about that as well. If you could please forgive me I'm so sorry. I really dislike causing discourse, i've been in the middle of so many arguments back on sukutomo and I don't want that to be my life on BanPa. I wanna talk about the girls and their new cards and how cute they are.

I really should've kept it to myself, I'm really sorry.

Thank you for reading <3