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March 24, 2019 19:08:31 +0000 (UTC)

Ok I'm reading all the event stories I haven't yet and I need to put this out here...

    WHAT IS...

Ok I'm reading all the event stories I haven't yet and I need to put this out here...


So in the anime, we know that PoPiPa was truly formed at the school festival in June or July, can't remember. We know Roselia must have formed before then because they peformed at SPACE while PoPiPa was working part time. I think their name appeared on a SPACE blackboard before but I don't remember. That means the whole story of the player character and the Girls Band Party takes place after June/July because PoPiPa know Roselia. OK. BUT THIS LINE ABOVE states that they know about CiRCLE during the SAKURA BLOOMING PARTY event. This would be fine if SAKURA SEASON WASN'T APRIL. THEY ARE STILL FIRST YEARS.

Does the timeline really matter? well yes because there's inconsistencies and it's me.

Do I really care? in the end, no not really.

I just wanted to share this with everyone. If you're trying to make sense of the 1st Season Timeline, have fun.

4 more events to read yaaaaaaay