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May 11, 2019 13:23:52 +0000 (UTC)

Pls enjoy this meme that crosses over with another anime!! ^^

Pls enjoy this meme that crosses over with another anime!! ^^

March 18, 2020 20:20:34 +0000 (UTC)

  r/cursed images

     This was made by me and this is how I see everyone:

     Rui =...

r/cursed images

This was made by me and this is how I see everyone:

Rui = Protagonist (but she’s not as dumb or insensitive)

Nanami = Sayori (Bubbly beans! They also both hide their different sides, Nanami not wanting to be seen as normal and Sayori hiding her depression)

Mashiro = Yuri (They’re both shy, smart, and insecure about themselves, but even so they still try their best!)

Tsukushi = Natsuki (Okay guys, feel free to fight me on this but Tskushi IS a tsundere to an extent and you’re not stopping me from thinking so)

Touko = Monika (Think about it. Touko is loved and well-known on social media, and also shJUST TOUKO)

October 12, 2019 22:31:33 +0000 (UTC)

  It is implied at a small level due to this part of dialogue that Misaki might be a gangster in...

It is implied at a small level due to this part of dialogue that Misaki might be a gangster in disguise.

October 18, 2018 05:51:26 +0000 (UTC)

Saw something on school idol tomodachi that I would like to try out here so here goes!

Do you...

Saw something on school idol tomodachi that I would like to try out here so here goes!

Do you want your dream four star but the odds do not seem to be in your favour? Fear no more with star gem Kokoro! If you don’t ignore her, you will get gacha luck for years and your precious stargems won’t go to waste on 2 stars!

Now go check out her friend Miracle Crystal Kasumi fed up of have only very little miracle crystals? here she comes! Next, we have challenge points ran! do you want to tier a challenge live event? get those amazing event cards and titles! leave it to her! Let’s welcome the shining idol, guardian aya! just leave it to her when it comes to live shows, she’ll give you many prizes and full combos!

attribute shard yukina is kokoro’s best friend, as she allows you to get more stars from kokoro by unlocking those side stories!

wow, a limited gacha appears out of nowhere! leave it to limited gacha kaoru to get you those rare limited edition cards!

the little demon of dreamfest is here, using her powers for good! enter dreamfest luck ako! !

it’s super annoying when you run out of live boosts so here’s live boost rinko! she’s usually super shy but has agreed to help you!

do you want to practice you cards so you can train them? studio ticket hagumi will save you from the trouble of grinding!

here comes hagumi’s senpai, master ticket waitress Hinashe will use her charm to help you to max our anything! skill level, level, anything!

September 28, 2018 22:27:38 +0000 (UTC)

EDIT : please guys... it's been 3 years and i still get notifications.........


EDIT : please guys... it's been 3 years and i still get notifications.........

DO NOT IGNORE OR YOU WILL BE CURSED WITH SINGLE 3* DUPE PULLS. (Best of luck for y'all out there pulling on JP, that new set is perfect.)

July 03, 2019 19:41:51 +0000 (UTC)

The girls at school

Edit: Moca should actually be in the Dosen't try, gets good grades column,...

The girls at school

Edit: Moca should actually be in the Dosen't try, gets good grades column, thanks to Chi☆ for letting me know that Moca gets good grades