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October 22, 2018 16:22:40 +0000 (UTC)


HOW TO MAKE A 4STAR COME TO U What I do anyway (may or may not be your best girl)

Step 1: Use ALL of you stars that u have. Step2:On your last pull pray to GOD that you get a 4star Step3:Beg that the loading would be slow (Even though it's not but I got a 4star anyway) Step4: look at the glowsticks and have your heart beating like crazy Step5: BE HAPPY FOR WHATEVER YOU GOT! ENJOY! (This may or may not work so use at your own precaution.) I am NOT responsible for any: Wasted stars, Broken hearts, and Sad eternal screaming.

October 21, 2018 19:01:53 +0000 (UTC)


11k, no hagumi. (︶︹︺) not a surprise, but it... hurts in more ways than one. the only upside is this


thank you for coming home, himari... now if moca shows up, i'll complete this set too...

October 20, 2018 09:23:49 +0000 (UTC)


Imgur :O i had been saving stars for whenever the next dream festival was and that was such a good idea :O i wanted all 3 of those. i also got 4* rabbit kanon in another pull.

October 20, 2018 17:51:15 +0000 (UTC)

im so sad tbh, i pulled 3 times hoping to get lisa but then.. aRISA CAME 
but really i appreciate...

im so sad tbh, i pulled 3 times hoping to get lisa but then.. aRISA CAME but really i appreciate you came home but i wouldve preferred lisa to come

October 20, 2018 11:38:17 +0000 (UTC)


bandori is so fucking UNFAIR I will never stop saying this

I spent 15000 stars for kaoru, got THREE 4 stars who weren't her, and it was SO DISAPPOINTING

and today. today. I did 2 pulls to get the new sayo on EN. and I didn't get sayo. I GOT YUKINA


October 15, 2018 19:14:35 +0000 (UTC)

Don’t get mad at me. Like I did a Midnight Scout last Sunday and my dream 3⭐️ came home. It was...

Don’t get mad at me. Like I did a Midnight Scout last Sunday and my dream 3⭐️ came home. It was Yukina’s soldier diva.

October 19, 2018 11:22:20 +0000 (UTC)


Hmm, I got another 4* member today. This one's for KR. Been a bit crazy with the 4 star members lately, kind of had daily posts about some new pull or another. NOT THAT I'M COMPLAINING HAHA

Image Cute Tae~ (There's a pun here, but not intended...I think)