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October 28, 2018 17:46:29 +0000 (UTC)


If I get a limited card for the first time


chuckles evilyI'm in danger

Image by えらんと on Pixiv

October 27, 2018 12:32:57 +0000 (UTC)

Hey, I've been having a great time today... Maybe I should do a gacha roll in case this feeling...

Hey, I've been having a great time today... Maybe I should do a gacha roll in case this feeling turns to a 4 Star roll!

Sees 0 stars left

October 27, 2018 05:30:28 +0000 (UTC)



anyway im gonna sit here and sip my tears as i watch everyoepne post bandori girl pics of outfits theyd wear and im here on my ass,, too lazy to open a tab and grab a picture to contribute to the bandwagon

and eve has dropped from 3rd girl to 5th girl :’ ) im sorry my babey but aya is beautiful too

October 26, 2018 01:27:01 +0000 (UTC)

soooo, this just happened.....blessed solo pull came through. gonna help a lot for next...

soooo, this just happened.....blessed solo pull came through. gonna help a lot for next event.

also, i havent been too active on this site and bandori as a whole. real life's been tough, and i need multiple 1-ups to survive. but i have survived midterms and half of the school year, so here's to me being active and doing random stuffs.

October 25, 2018 12:49:33 +0000 (UTC)


I’m not good at saving stars for gacha. But starting from today before the new year gacha I’m not spending anything but saving them for this baby.


She’s so precious I freakin’ need her in my LIFE!!!!!!

I was trying to get Yukina blue bride but I knew she’s not coming home Now I feel really salty,•_•,


October 25, 2018 02:54:41 +0000 (UTC)


i forgot about this but last night on jp i managed to get 2.5k somehow. idk how i managed it, but like. i decided "hey lets try for this new lisa, why not."

instead of lisa i got a dupe thief kaoru and angst maya

i cried at angst maya because she was the last angst pasupare i needed!! she was being real fickle lol i love pasupare so much

October 25, 2018 08:40:48 +0000 (UTC)


@ 10/14/18 est 3:55 AM 7150 Stars with 2500 spent on a (4☆ x2 Drop Rate) Dream Festival. Another 4☆ acquired! 2 3☆ as well.

4☆ Accepting Feelings Moca (4th best girl) acquired!

3 out of my top 5 best girls have 4☆ now. incredible. all i need is a 4☆ of Misaki (2nd best girl) and Sayo (5th best girl), which i dont see happening anytime soon.

August 02, 2018 11:16:09 +0000 (UTC)


Best girl's seiyuu scouting for best girl (and succeeding! and Maya tagged along too) is so pure I'm super happy for her <3



Correct me if I'm wrong but I think she says she spent almost 40000 stars and got Arisa on the last pull? Teach me how to save, Ayasa (I feel weird calling her that—what do I call her she doesn't have an official nickname)

October 21, 2018 18:43:42 +0000 (UTC)


I scouted for best girl hagumi!

I had a budget of 50.000+ stars....but how many stars did i actually use?? (click the image to see the video) Scoutingvideopreview