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December 03, 2018 22:59:18 +0000 (UTC)

I was playing Tokimeki Experience EX and now this happens.🤣

I was playing Tokimeki Experience EX and now this happens.🤣

December 03, 2018 00:16:17 +0000 (UTC)


Most Played Songs in Multi-Live - Top 3

Lives Played: 208

1. Fuwa Fuwa Time - 27

(as to be expected)

2. Everyone picking Random - 17

3. Hikaru Nara - 8

The things people choose are actually a lot more differentiated than I had thought before!

December 02, 2018 19:08:01 +0000 (UTC)


there's been almost a year since Goka Gokai was released and it's still a goddamn BOP

December 02, 2018 16:02:51 +0000 (UTC)


I’ve been thinking about this for a while and the last EN event was a good chance to talk about it but I was too lazy to type it out so have this now

I’ve always appreciated Bandori’s writing. But not only in stories. I love how the song lyrics of each band are tailored to their respective outlooks and methods of writing like the event showed us. We can see it in the actual lyrics themselves and it’s not just a throwaway detail never to be mentioned again. Honestly thinking about that made me appreciate the lyricists more, especially Kasumi.

Kasumi tells Lisa that she looks for the kira kira doki doki in everyday things which is true, but that’s just her Kasurific way of expressing something that isn’t quite as simple as she says it is. I think that description can be applied to her lyrics too. Kasumi isn’t shallow or emotionally immature. In fact she feels really strongly and is in tune with those feelings—she’s just more about living in the moment and experiencing rather than reflecting on or analysing her emotions. So you get stuff like sensory descriptions of the festival in Natsunodon! which seem like fun and games until you look at the gut punch that is Light Delight, a raw unfiltered barrage of ouch and anything but superficial.

Ran is kinda similar but is naturally a more introspective person, so even when she experiments and writes down whatever comes into her head without ‘dressing up the words,’ her lyrics come across as a little more cerebral, while still being driven by emotion. Rebellious Ran is so good in That is How I Roll please appreciate her

Now let’s talk about the girl who does dress up her words. Heckin Yukina. Ran was lowkey roasting her when she was explaining her own methods to Lisa and I can't resist either because it's kinda funny to me (I promise I love her). Yukina was acting all smug in her card story, saying Lisa’s lyrics didn’t meet Roselia’s standards, but what are those standards exactly? Yukina may be a great singer but she is a drama queen and any song that doesn’t wax poetic every second line is not befitting of Roselia in her eyes. This is the girl who writes things like ‘In the depths of this dried up sea is a slumbering voice/Beneath your eyes, it resonates with your consciousness.’ Yukina I love you but you gotta calm down sometimes lmao.

Jokes aside though, it makes sense. Roselia is the band with the greatest desire to make it big. Yukina’s writing her lyrics with the intention of captivating a large audience rather than putting her spontaneous feelings into words. It makes sense that they’re showy. If she overshoots the mark sometimes (which I guess is debatable depending on what people are after), that’s cool because she’s still learning.

I don’t really have anything to say about PasuPare and HaroHapi, except that reading HaroHapi’s fluffy pure lyrics and remembering Misaki wrote them is super cute considering how much of a pessimist she is. PasuPare may not write their lyrics but I do like that they have songs focusing on specific girls.

In short, I appreciate Bandori’s lyrics and I stress that Kasumi Toyama is a good kid who needs more love bye

December 02, 2018 17:21:23 +0000 (UTC)


i finally got my first expert fc on jp (-。-;) using ur thumbs is hard! i got it on rambling memory (?), the xmas aglo song which i think is a lvl 25 which :o bc anything over 23 is hard for me to fc. now all i need to do is get an ss rating for it and ill feel good posting it in my played songs!

December 03, 2018 02:46:36 +0000 (UTC)

  First 28  Difficulty FC and EX Trial Title!

Tonight I finally accomplished my first 28 difficulty...

First 28* Difficulty FC and EX Trial Title!

Tonight I finally accomplished my first 28 difficulty EX chart with a full combo! After playing for 3 and a half months and then practicing two days of many many sessions of Sugar Song & Bitter Step, I finally managed to full combo this song!

The drum roll is a real killer and I had 9 runs get through without combo break only to mess up near the end of the song due to tricky note patterns. It was definitely quite the journey. But alas, I finally obtained the EX trial title on the Korean version (They are playing Neo Fantasy Online event at this time) and I am very proud of this accomplishment!

It wouldn't feel right if I didn't Highlight this moment as well. I was tracking my "% chance at succeeding the song" if I used my odds of passing each section of the song. It turned out I had a better chance at pulling a 4* than FC'ing per song attempt! But I ended up doing it...

Happy with my progression, I hope for the others out there striving to improve you keep working towards your goals as well!!

December 02, 2018 03:49:44 +0000 (UTC)


Just accidentally picked Expert on a 27 song. I am now dead - this is my ghost typing.

November 22, 2018 02:27:31 +0000 (UTC)

Please, Bandori, if I can never FC this song, at least let me absorb all the 1 Good/Bad/Miss combos...

Please, Bandori, if I can never FC this song, at least let me absorb all the 1 Good/Bad/Miss combos so that everyone else can FC their songs.

I need a break from Shuwarin forever but the forces have denied me.

angry "FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF--" in the distance

December 02, 2018 10:47:04 +0000 (UTC)


me completing a lvl 28 song, using all healers in my band, and paying 50 stars to continue near the end bc i failed: oh yes i am a bandori GOD are there professional bandori players i should be one. i am that bitch don't come for me

December 02, 2018 16:03:00 +0000 (UTC)

    What's your favorite song to play?

Maybe it's not your favorite song you love to listen, but...

What's your favorite song to play?

Maybe it's not your favorite song you love to listen, but it's your favorite song that you enjoy playing it every time. It could be the entire song or a certain part of a song.

My favorite is that guitar solo near the end of "Alchemy". It makes me feel like I'm soloing it.

Screenshot taken from :

November 30, 2018 04:32:29 +0000 (UTC)

I struggled with FC'ing this song a little more than I'd like to admit, but hey, I did it.

I struggled with FC'ing this song a little more than I'd like to admit, but hey, I did it.