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October 09, 2018 07:33:31 +0000 (UTC)


I have discord! u/n is still the same. I'm too shy to create a server, so can someone lemme join?? My tag is #0887, please friend me!

edit: I made a server called "banpa army" (because i couldnt think of a better name) anyone wanna join? here's the link:

September 24, 2018 17:07:57 +0000 (UTC)

I made a drawing of Rinko to show she's one of my favourite characters and I'm gonna miss her. But...

I made a drawing of Rinko to show she's one of my favourite characters and I'm gonna miss her. But the umbrella looks awful :(. Rin-rin we love you and we'll do anything for Roselia we promise.

Edit: I'm working for the colouring one so don't worry.

Edit2: I lost it. :'(

October 06, 2018 15:54:22 +0000 (UTC)


did someone say PHONE WALLPAPERS- no? that's okay, i'm just gonna post them anyway! on weekends, i like to make wallpapers, and i figured perhaps you guys would like them too! for this weekend, have necromancer/rpg ako! the lyrics you see at the top-left is from her godly solo in BLACK SHOUT.

feel free to use!


October 08, 2018 13:22:27 +0000 (UTC)

old meme but who cares

1. Best Girl?
If you ignore the meme aspect i have for Eve, Arisa since...

old meme but who cares

  1. Best Girl? If you ignore the meme aspect i have for Eve, Arisa since she's easy to tease and she looks cute when it happens (Thanks O-Tae)

  2. Favorite Vocalist? This is a touch one for me since I'm not too sure which one I like best. Probably Ran or Aya.

  3. Favorite... Rimi. But I wasnt done ask... Rimi. Ok then

  4. Favorite GUITARISTO! (Dangit kasumi...) Torn between O-Tae and Moca since i love both of them. O-Tae because she screws with everyone and Moca because she's basically drunk all the time until she doesnt want to be.

  5. Favorite Keyboardist? Eve and Arisa. not like that wasnt well known from question 1. However as far as a playing standpoint. Rinko is damn brilliant.

  6. Favorite Drummer? Ako. She's a damn character and I love her nerdy personality :P

  7. Favorite Popipa OG and Cover? B.O.F. and Time Lapse are probably my two favorites. as far as covers, not to sure...

  8. Favorite Pasupare OG and Cover? Survivor. Its damn fun to listen to. Ive only heard two of the covers so im just gonna hold off on this one.

  9. Harohapi OG and Cover? Phantom Thief since that jazzy opening is gr8. and then probably Sugar Song Bitter Step... idk covers arent all on my side xD

  10. Afterglow? Hey-Dey and Ready Steady go.

  11. Roselia? Probably Starmine and Red Fraction

  12. Least Favorite OG and Cover? Don't Be Afraid and Don't say lazy. idk the engrish hits me hard on both. :P

  13. Least Favorite Girl? Probably Chisato or Kaoru but More towards Chisato since Kaoru can still be funny a lot of times. NGL chisato is kind of a bitch.

  14. Dream Cover? Do something from a heavy metal band or Dragonforce just to hear how that would sound :P Edit: another one would be Girls Last Tour OP

  15. Dream Card? Hanne or Marina. idgaf if thsy arent in bands that would just be funny as hell to have either one xD

  16. Favorite Event Story? Arisa In Wonderland, that is all I say.

  17. nope.

  18. Favorite Band. Honestly hard to tell. I like Roselia's sound but I also just like Popipa for their music too. so somewhere between.

  19. Best Siblings? Twiiiiiiiiiiiins

K im done now ecks dee

October 08, 2018 06:33:48 +0000 (UTC)

Petites créations venant de moi ♥ 
C'est normal s'il y a un logo, on me vol souvent mes créations...

Petites créations venant de moi ♥ C'est normal s'il y a un logo, on me vol souvent mes créations ;;

Vous voulez aimer ma création ? •

Vous voulez me suivre sur Deviantart ? •

fr Translate from French to English
June 05, 2018 11:49:13 +0000 (UTC)

 im sure you guys are probably tired of seeing my fanband sdjsh im sorry ;; only 1 more member and...

(im sure you guys are probably tired of seeing my fanband sdjsh im sorry ;; only 1 more member and im done!) meet ReverS' keyboardist, Hanabi! A rowdy and free-willed girl! She's probably the most determined member of the group due to her deep love of music and bands. Although she plays the keyboard in the band, she can also play the bass fluently! Hope you guys like her<33

October 07, 2018 21:22:35 +0000 (UTC)

Revue Starlight x Bandori Toyama Kasumi version 

I was going to draw Ichigaya Arisa for her Revue...

Revue Starlight x Bandori-Toyama Kasumi version

I was going to draw Ichigaya Arisa for her Revue Starlight outfit but completely school is in the way.If I get time,I'll maybe do her revue starlight outfit. I might post this on my twitter but I don't know yet.

I maybe want to draw my OTP or rareships for the Revue Starlights outfit of the bandori girls.

May 28, 2018 14:17:13 +0000 (UTC)


psa not related to bandori

hi i'm an anorexic and i'm sick and tired of people telling me that eating junk food "isn't healthy" like um. bitch. in case you haven't noticed i'm 164 cm tall and weigh abt 43 kg (not to mention i've been gaining weight, i was dangerously low at one point), so just be glad i'm eating at all?

i'm trying my best. everyone with an eating disorder is.

in conclusion:

don't poke fun at or criticize the food choices of those with eating disorders. be glad they're eating. feel free to offer them healthy snacks in a KIND way or nicely guide them in the right direction. but don't criticize, it just makes it worse. be their support, not their worst critic.

edit, 6 months later: i'm like 49 kg now and i grew 1 cm and i feel so much happier and i am eating three good meals a day (snacking here and there, too). yeah maybe eating a family sized bag of doritos wasn't ideal but it got FOOD in me, and it got my body used to needing food and made me...wait for it...hungry! so i actually felt urges to EAT and EAT RIGHT! i ran a 5k for charity recently and if school allowed i would do many more. i work out a lot and i have abs (not suuuper defined, but they're there and i look a heck of a lot better now that u can't see my rib cage jutting out of my skin like some rotting skeleton) and i've been pretty positive lately! i was recently hospitalized for a health issue but it was resolved super quickly compared to normal (IDK, maybe bc i'm healthy??? :000) and HEY! GUESS WHAT YA ASSHATS?? i'm way happier than i've been in my life! but i couldn't have done it without tricking my body into wanting to be healthy! and i can safely say i got here BY MYSELF! 'twas nobody but ME who kicked my ass to get me on the right track, damn it! i got no one to thank! just a whole lotta "fuck you"s to give to people who think they know someone else's body better than they know it themselves!!! :))