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August 05, 2018 06:04:08 +0000 (UTC)


confession: being in this community really makes me wanna start a band irl sjkdhsk looking at the girls having so much fun and shit makes me lowkey emo cause i was in a band with my friends back in middle school but we disbanded because we all went to different high schools ;; so if any of yall that lives in auckland wanna start a band as well, just hmu in the comments ksjdhks :')

October 06, 2018 02:47:01 +0000 (UTC)


ooo fam im feeling so happy and im about to go wild

my drumsticks just came in the mail 😤 i dont think ive said anything yet but shout out to whoever the heck actually plays the drums for afterglow's music, bc they hella inspired me to start playing myself!! i dont even have a real drum set yet but im gonna use my textbooks to make a mock set up thanks to youtube! u wouldnt believe how many tutorials there are to bless a bushido dad out here

i mostly wanna do punk music bc it was stuff like tentai kansoku and scarlet sky that got me interested in drumming, but fam i'll play anything and everything to keep improving. i have a friend whos been playing for 4 years, hes gonna start teaching me w/ the drum set at his church tomorrow and hoOOOOoooO00o0 lmao im just rly hype right now y'all ok!!!

im gonna learn jamboree! journey! as my first bandori song since it has pretty simple drums patterns, and its my favorite original afterglow song along w/ yolo! once i have an actual drumset id love to start uploading bandori drum covers to youtube oml but for now im gonna practice my face off

October 09, 2018 04:43:13 +0000 (UTC)


An Ode To Hanamaru○Andante A beautiful song

The past days have been terrible for me. I've been through HORRIBLE times this week, but, the fact that everyone here is still supporting me and caring for me makes me so happy I can't express it through words. I've also been playing Hanamaru○Andante a lot. I just like to listen to Aya's soft voice just singing that 「大丈夫だよ」which assures me that everything is going to be okay. That song has such a soothing effect on me. It's pretty underrated and I think people should pay more attention to this sweet-as-sugar song. The way it just calmed me down somehow makes me cry. Sometimes I just sit there with my laptop open and Hanamaru○Andante playing on it, and it feels really peaceful. I love the way Aya says in the first few lines that the sun is always shining and always looking out for her, as if it cared for her. That line makes me really peaceful and happy. Then in the chorus, she sings that she'll be okay, because her loved one, the one who cares for her, patted her back supportingly, and reminded her everything would be alright. It's really relaxing. I just somehow think of myself like the one down in the dumps and all of you being my caring ones, always there for me, always rooting for me. I want to thank all of you for always being here for me, and please give a listen to Hanamaru○Andante, it's a masterpiece of a song. Pasupare, thank you for this wonderful, soothing song.

October 09, 2018 04:07:17 +0000 (UTC)


New icon new me... ugh my uwus!!! (I asked for permission to use it btw ♡)

Also: i have a sty in my eye [shakes fist]

October 09, 2018 16:36:32 +0000 (UTC)


A bit late appreciation post

Big "THANK YOU" to that person, who made my bday more boppin' and Kokoroful than usual


October 09, 2018 11:48:37 +0000 (UTC)


Considering how it's been basically a year since Roselia's 2nd live, Zeit, I figured I should just remind everyone that these two videos exist. I'm really grateful to Lex M for translating these videos xD

Part 1

Part 2

(Honestly, I just needed an excuse to share these videos xD)

AiAi's Nyan-chan tho... K-Kawaii....

October 09, 2018 04:49:48 +0000 (UTC)

well this was an achievement and a half. god damn I know this is only on normal but I was nearly...

well this was an achievement and a half. god damn I know this is only on normal but I was nearly shaking coming to the end because the thought of one fuck up meant i would have to go it again...

also I dont have any more Kokoro's besides the 1* base :,(

October 09, 2018 05:04:53 +0000 (UTC)

You dont need anything else for a power metal band than a guitar, a bass, and a fuck ton of drums.

You dont need anything else for a power metal band than a guitar, a bass, and a fuck ton of drums.

October 08, 2018 14:50:07 +0000 (UTC)

Today on BanPacord

  Ako Dryer  

edit: Since someone asked in the comments, you can find a...

Today on BanPacord

Ako Dryer

edit: Since someone asked in the comments, you can find a link to the Discord server under Community > Discord! o/

Insert creative name here

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