July 12, 2018 11:01:17 +0000 (UTC)


Somebody: Do you like BD!GBP or LLSIF more?

Me: Well.... GBP is better if you want a PC wallpaper because of the format, but SIF is better for phones...

July 09, 2018 01:54:28 +0000 (UTC)

Has anyone ever noticed that the only other character in bandori that has the same eyes as the band...

Has anyone ever noticed that the only other character in bandori that has the same eyes as the band characters is the fast food lady? Edit: someone told me in the comments that the other people who sell stuff have the same eyes...I forgot...

June 27, 2018 02:19:31 +0000 (UTC)


okay so I just "fced" only my railgun but on the last 2 hold notes I get a low battery pop up that disconnects me. goddamn it

Edit: I just lagged at the end and got 1 bad my iPad just doesn't want me to Fc

July 10, 2018 03:51:03 +0000 (UTC)

A 4 star Misaki? Maybe this time we'll finally get to see her in a trained 


A 4 star Misaki? Maybe this time we'll finally get to see her in a trained-


July 10, 2018 10:25:16 +0000 (UTC)


i remember seeing a post on this site about a dream someone had about a pirate harohapi set. heh heh. looks like their dream came true.

July 10, 2018 09:47:57 +0000 (UTC)

uhhh is this where i introduce myself?

H-hi! I'm Adoha and I've been fighting with myself for over a month and a half about whether or not I wanted to just lurk, but I figured I should say hello at least once. Right? What could possibly go wrong? E-everything, but anyway~

I started playing Bandori in April when a friend told me the game was getting a worldwide release and since I was looking for more gachas mobile games to play anyway and I've been a rhythm game addict since DDR was popular, I decided to give it a go. While I'm terrible at it, it's really fun and the small daughters have captured my heart. The Udagawa sisters are gonna kill me one day I swear.

uhhhh. Other than Bandori, I play Grindblue Fantasy and Crash Fever when I'm not playing and sometimes while I'm playing FFXIV. if you play those feel free to hmu for friend codes; I could always use more summons and Fes units to abuse try! Don't add me on XIV; I just get on to do Namazu dailies because I want the stupid catfish mount...

I also really like DGRP more V3 than anything else tbh, but please don't say anything about the spaceman or I will cry on you, okay. That's a bad idea. I am an adult, so please listen to me and do not do the thing. P-please? ;~;

...th-that's it, I think? I made a Bandori meme once but it's dumb. Maybe I'll post it later? iunno. Feel free to add me in-game on the EN server (I barely play JP anymore orz). (o 0o)9

o-ok i'm gonna go back to my hiding hole bye-bye
June 21, 2018 03:06:57 +0000 (UTC)


Kind of an appreciation post for Eve? With a bit of spoilers for some PasuPare events.

I’m not gonna lie, although I love PasuPare’s music, their members aren’t my favorites. Eve, especially, irked me a lot. In most stories, she just seemed to be there for the purpose of acting cute and cheery and mentioning something about bushido. I also really disliked that Eve-centric PasuPare event with the samurai themed cards. I thought that event made Eve seem really Mary Sue, with her wanting their fans to stop arguing, and her being the only one to step up and stop the fighting.

But the current PasuPare event reminded me of why Eve acts this way. Before, she worked alone as a model, and finally got a chance to work with other people. Unlike Chisato, who is a realist, Eve is extremely idealistic, but she’s the kind of person to actually pursue her ideals. That’s why, unlike the other members, she pushes extra hard to enjoy PasuPare activities and to keep them together. Aya is quite similar to Eve in terms of their personality, but Aya is more inexperienced and hesitant. Eve, on the other hand, has a clearer idea of what she wants, and given her experience, she’s more gutsy when pursuing her ideals.

I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again. I love the subtle differences that the writers put into what appears to be very similar characters. I just love the depth that each character has.

July 10, 2018 20:59:52 +0000 (UTC)


HELLO MY FELLOW BANDORIANS (???? have I invented this???)

I thought that It would be nice if I actually, properly, neatly, decently introduced myself.

My name is Vanessa and I am from Poland! And that automatically also means that English is not my first language, but trust me. I really am trying my best.

I started playing Bandori just because it's art really gave me a heart attack. It is very pretty, in my opinion. But not just because of it! I actually very like rhythm games. Until now, I have only played LLSIF and deresute. I don't know if I should confess to it, because it's apparently a bad thing, switching from love live to bandori. well, sorry, but I couldn't help it! I really like LLSIF even until now.

I don't know who my best girl is yet. HOWEVER!! I really like Hagumi, Tae, Moca and Lisa! So if I were to choose, I think these four would be my best girls, as for now.

as you can see from my username, I really like meat. it is one of my favourite food 🍗

if case you wanted to know or that's important to you, my zodiac sign is scorpio! also my mbti is enfp 🌱

I think that's all! or at least I don't know what else I am supposed to write here so that I won't come over as a W E I R D O

If you want to know more about me then please just read my bio or message me if you want! I will respond to everyone in my free time which I have too much.

bye for now, have a nice day/evening/night and have fun playing bandori!