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October 02, 2018 19:49:07 +0000 (UTC)


hey guys.

i know you, and all of us, wanna pull our dream 4star, or a new 4star in general. but try not to guilt people into liking your "like for good luck" post.

as in, please don't tell people they'll be "cursed" or "unlucky" if they ignore your post.

that is not true! and i'm here to tell anyone that's anxious because they happened to scroll by one of those posts, that that's not true at all. in the end, it's all rng-based. nothing superstitious.

i just think it's pretty mean to potentially make someone worry about a silly game like that, all for a like, that in the end means nothing because it's all just rng.

anyways, with that out of the way. good luck to everyone pulling for their halloween & dreamfest girls!