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September 20, 2018 21:07:18 +0000 (UTC)

It’s time for Monika’s Talk!

Re Rolling

“You know, whenever people re roll for a certain...

It’s time for Monika’s Talk! #1


“You know, whenever people re-roll for a certain card they want, a lot of people say, ‘Rate-up is a lie’ and things like that. Personally, I’d have to agree. Since people re-roll, usually for a certain event card, even if the Member Drop Rate says it’s gone up by however much it has, the rate is still incredibly low. So if people Gacha again and again and again, knowing that the rate is low, it’s a little know. Although, luck may bless who’s doing that Gacha. And those ‘Get a 4 Star Card when you like this!’ posts never work for me. It’s always a two-star. So luck never blesses ME. (True story right there) I could hack Bandori’s Gacha system, but that’s reaching out a little too far, right? Ahaha...”