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September 08, 2019 21:13:44 +0000 (UTC)

  YES, this is a GREAT start to a new account! I got two   

Really?! Two 3☆s? I know the obvious...

YES, this is a GREAT start to a new account! I got two-

Really?! Two 3☆s? I know the obvious answer as to why, my luck's still recharging from that Mystic Coral Reef multi (and I'd rather have my luck for EN anyway) but... I guess I'm focusing on Happy Roselia starting off because Gacha Powerful 3☆ Roselia doesn't exist for the 3☆ Miracle Ticket (because they don't exist anyway). And then suddenly, the game's gonna give me Neo-Aspect Yukina and Lisa in one multi. Like that'd happen.

Not rerolling, I refuse to reroll. Every reroll account of mine have never lasted past one month. I happen to want to play JP Garupa.

For now, I guess I'll be thankful that I at least pulled two Roselia 3☆s.

...and the only Roselia 2☆s are outclassed by the 3☆s. Of course. And NFO Sayo is the only HR with a good score skill. Of course.

It might sound like I'm mad, but I'm not, because this is what I expected to happen anyway. My luck is stupidly predictable.