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June 15, 2018 16:39:50 +0000 (UTC)


So I read the Sweets Classroom event story (spoilers ahead if you haven’t I guess) and yes I have become 5000% TsuguSayo trash as a result, it is a beautiful beautiful ship but. holy lord Sayo. SAYO. Ever since being sucked into band hell I’ve gone from indifference towards her to gradual affection and then a huge leap to OH MY GOD I WOULD DEFEND HER WITH MY LIFE and it’s because of this little not-even-angsty event why

Sayo is just. She’s me. Only with far superior control over her image so she comes across as this professional no-nonsense pragmatist when she’s actually the most awkward anxious wreck and I love it. The way she stood there internally going “shit shit SHIT I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT I’M DOING but how do I ask for help also I don’t wanna ask for help” and then pouncing on every tiny detail down to measuring the thickness of the dough with a ruler like. Minus the hyperbole that is exactly me. I get so damn worried about doing things ‘the right way’ and end up pigeon-holing myself bc I feel like I’m too dumb to function without following rules to a T. so seeing all her paranoid questioning and fact-checking—“how white is white?” and then “oh so this is what the exact consistency feels like”—as funny as it was, not to be dramatic but it was honestly kinda cathartic?

At the same time I admire Sayo SO MUCH for her honesty with Tsugu. Sure she has a raging inferiority complex and pride issues but when she’s truly clueless she can still admit it and then focus on what she’s having trouble with instead of panicking, drawing a mental blank and sinking into the floor in embarrassment like I would.

These are such little things but she’s such a good girl and she gives me reassurance that it’s okay if you can't pick up things quickly as long as you work at them bc just look at her?? She’s so cool and look how far her efforts have gotten her what a queen