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September 05, 2018 23:39:47 +0000 (UTC)


My bf eats A LOT of cereal, and I keep telling him he has to stop because it's unhealthy.

I showed him the episode of Bandori Pico where Rimi becomes a choco cornet as a cautionary tale.

All he said was "I'm really confused, but this is a pretty good show"

So.... he likes Rimi now but still eats a lot of cereal so idk if I failed or not.

September 03, 2018 12:41:37 +0000 (UTC)


exploring through my stash of secret books I found this one that only had 3 pages, served with love! I love Choco Cornet: Page One

I love you, moca- rimi!


bread lovers unite! happy birthday moca

September 06, 2018 16:07:49 +0000 (UTC)


Maybe my notifs are always so glitchy because i get so much ducky love that its just too much to handle. Ducky fam is too powerful


September 06, 2018 20:25:10 +0000 (UTC)


an even harder drinking game: take a shot every time someone picks fuwa fuwa time in a multi live

August 18, 2018 12:28:33 +0000 (UTC)


To everyone that's surprised they finally see Len, a boy, in the Afterglow song cover:

Ran's father, noticeably another male, does appear in a band story, if you never noticed.


edit: Seems I forgot Yukina's dad. And sorry to be saying this now, but my disqus is such a tsundere. Thus, (did I even use that in the appropriate place) I can't reply to your comments through disqus, so please do not mind.

September 01, 2018 11:42:43 +0000 (UTC)


Romeo Kaoru and Red and Blue Sonata gacha on EN, perfect timing to blast Romeo and also Romeo and Cinderella despite the inappropriate lyrics and le b e e p

forgive me, oh Gods of Bandori and BanPa, I have been a sinner since birth.

August 29, 2018 19:45:50 +0000 (UTC)

So Kasumi is not returning to Toyama residence given her not carrying the random star, which...

So Kasumi is not returning to Toyama residence given her not carrying the random star, which suggests something...🤔