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November 30, 2018 03:33:03 +0000 (UTC)


Good afternoon to you too sucky rate-up but I can't really be salty bc out of the 6 pulls I initially did for Christmas Arisa the first was heckin good and promising


Wrong Saaya but I love her just as much so that got me all pumped, unfortunately the next 5 pulls had almost nothing but dupes and I was very upset and spammed the fleeting sticker more vigorously than ever in Vs Live before proceeding to unlock every new 2* card story I could and raise up just enough stars for one more pull and


I. Idk. I'm happy??? This Kasumi is so adorable and full of joy and I love her and I'm glad I got some PoPiPa cards but look. Sakura Arisa needs to be catapulted into space with a rocket launcher. Please don't mock me like this bby I still don't have your initial 4* pls just hhhhhh

So summary: 2 new 4*s, 2 new 3*s and . . . at least 11 dupe 3*s idk probably more but I forgot to screenshot one pull

Idk how to feel rn I guess I might wait till the end of the event and do some solos but ok bye I'm out

November 30, 2018 14:25:52 +0000 (UTC)


That moment when you scout two 4*s from the Christmas gacha but neither of them were Moca or Tsugu. Rate up is a lie ;v;

Now I’m gonna have to wait til next Christmas to try and get Tsugu q-q...

Edit: omg I managed to scrounge up enough gems from memorial stories for one last pull... and Tsugu came home AHHHH thank you best girl <3

November 30, 2018 06:31:05 +0000 (UTC)


yeah i know I'm supposed to be on hiatus but aaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA



i saw the leaks and immediately thought to myself this is the best christmas card i've ever seen and then i goofed around with saved stars and apparently tsugumi heard me

leave it to tsugurific santa to drag me screaming back to hell

December 01, 2018 01:51:52 +0000 (UTC)


Everyone is getting limited Saaya and Arisa and i'm trying to be calm and patient by thinking:

"Relax bitch you still have 8 days to go, follow your heart and spend your stars wisely. Limited Dreamfest with 5 new *4 limited is coming too"

November 30, 2018 21:16:46 +0000 (UTC)


The fact that Himari's Christmas card is the only one not a child is a sin. Give me kid Himari dangit!

Also I tried 6 pulls for Moca but she didn't come home. Not even a single 4*. It's not like I expected it to happen because my luck is got awful, but I'm still sad about it ._.

December 01, 2018 04:50:17 +0000 (UTC)

I just wanted to try and solo for once and i was so surprised to get a 3 star 😂

Thank you for...

I just wanted to try and solo for once and i was so surprised to get a 3 star 😂

Thank you for blessing me Saaya 💕

November 30, 2018 11:36:59 +0000 (UTC)



The QUEEN has arrived

I am really Happy because Arisa came in my third pull, she is my first limited 3 star card. I also fell so happy becouse she is my upcoming Birthday Present and i am Soo Super Duper happy that all this time she loves me and really blessed my account. I hope you guys have a good luck too!

November 30, 2018 06:12:13 +0000 (UTC)

I just spent about 60,000 stars trying to get Lim Saaya, and I didn’t get her. I did get 3 copies of...

I just spent about 60,000 stars trying to get Lim Saaya, and I didn’t get her. I did get 3 copies of Bunny Kanon... which I already had, because I whaled for her when she came out :v

I’m so upset right now I feel like I’ll cry...

EDIT: Well, I whaled. I’m so pissed off. I spent 120,000 STARS before I got Saaya. Are you kidding me Bandori???

November 30, 2018 12:07:35 +0000 (UTC)

 deep breath  without exaggeration, this is the absolute very best day of my life


deep breath without exaggeration, this is the absolute very best day of my life


November 30, 2018 00:16:41 +0000 (UTC)


I’ll probably scout for Christmas Saya tomorrow because new bandori gachas and events come out at like 1am over here and I have a presentation and a report due tomorrow and I don’t wanna be too tired lol (did I mention I can’t do presentations? because icantdopresentations)

Speaking of this report I spent like two hours trying to get this thing printed out because my printer didn’t want to print for some reason. Do I have two hours to waste on trying to fix a printer considering have exams in less than a week and I still know nothing? Absolutely not. But did I anyway? Yes. Why yes I did. But while I was at it I printed out some pictures of Christmas Saya (on photo paper so it looks pretty nice). I’ll make a little shrine with those and her nesoberi before I scout. She’ll come now, right?

Also if Chika is the next UR in SIF I will probably break down crying tomorrow (well mentally anyway) so I pray that the next UR in not Chika. I don’t want to have to scout on two games in one day I will be very upset if neither decide to come home.

jfjfkf IM SORRY THAT WASNT MEANT TO BE A LIFE UPDATE. But anyway the moral of this story is don’t be a university student. Don’t be Banpa user Rinon.

ANYWAYS uhh I’ll be scouting for Christmas Saya (21 10 pulls) in about 24 hours for now after I’ve studied and taken a nice long bath. That’s the best way to scout Goodnight my friends and I hope Popipa bless you if you decide to scout tonight! I’m wishing you all the best of luck!

November 26, 2018 08:33:00 +0000 (UTC)

I guess the game doesn't want me to roll. B But I want Ran sticker.

I guess the game doesn't want me to roll. B-But I want Ran sticker.