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October 10, 2018 04:10:33 +0000 (UTC)


(If I add Kokoro's, Kanon's, and Hagumi's cards here this post would get too long so anyways-)

FBI: Bursts through my door

ME: HEY WOAH I'm not an adult yet wth did i do

FBI: It's those cards points to the new cards of Kanon, Kokoro, and Hagumi They're illegal.

ME: For what?

FBI: For being too adorable and gorgeous.

OK ok first, Hagumi. Hagumi, Hagumi, Hagumi, I love you you orange energetic gal you just djfhdjsfhksgdshfjgdsgfgsdgf. All of Hagumi's cards just have such a radiating energetic feel to them and this new one doesn't break the streak.

Kanon is downright illegal. She is literally murdering me with her adorable smile accompanied by a smiling baby penguin. Her little twin tails??? Which I just noticed?? The fact that she is so out there and not like the shy, small Kanon that she was before joining the band just. And even despite all the blue she is wearing and all the blue in the background, she is still shining vibrantly. This is a 5-hit combo right there and I deserve it for even looking at such a sweet gal.

Kokoro's card? The whole time I was just like dontrydemon @ bushimo and craftegg because i will sob if it came to that. Still, that smile is just so sincere and sweet that it makes me cry anyways. I mean, all her smiles were never fake she just radiates pure unrestrained joy and the want for more of it. But this smile is just so warm and Miskai definetely feels safe looking at and being with Kokoro right there. The idolized shows that smile that we all know Kokoro for and those twin tails are so cute. Also that little detail of Michelle on Kokoro's hat is a really nice detail.

October 10, 2018 04:32:49 +0000 (UTC)



Kaoru is legit out here trying to kill me heck all of these new cards are trying to kill me but obv Kaoru is at the forefront. Her idolized? My wig is GONE. She blew a kiss at it and it flew to the stratosphere. She is beauty, she is grace, and she is definitely yealling a "fleeting" with that face. I said it in my new Misaki card appreciation post that she looks to be having a heart-to-heart with Misaki but you know what? She probably is throwing and misusing a bunch of old English literature quotes but not to make herself look braver and smarter than she is but to cheer up Misaki, which Misaki might actualy come to enjoy and accept that part about herself in chap 2. Just look at that card, Kaoru is happily saying her thing while Misaki looks at her with a smile that isn't like a, "You... tried?" smile but a "You're a mess trying to say this but do I appreciate and love you as my friend." They both just look so happy with each other's company and in all this angst that chap 2 will bring maybe it's moments with Kaoru and Misaki that would be like our saving grace from it all.

October 04, 2018 04:10:42 +0000 (UTC)


Ok guys I'm predicting HHW 2nd story ending(I actually thought of this a while ago): Kokoro and the rest (somehow) realise how hard Misaki works for the band, and decide to have her in one of their gigs. But what about Michelle? Kaoru makes an excuse so that Michelle can't come on that day, secretly knowing that Misaki is Michelle, and so, WE GET 4* NON MICHELLE MISAKI CARD AND MAYBE A SONG IN WHICH SHE SINGS? OWO

Bushiroad If You know what's good for you you're going to do this. XD JK, but one can still hope. ;V;

Edit: well this actually isn't an edit, I just wanted to write it like this since I thought of this after I thought of the first part, anyways... I was talking with some friends about the HHW 2nd story and I thought..... Kokoro will be the one to get unmotivated, kind of the one to begin the "sadness train", maybe someone snaps her out of her "life is a fairytale" vision? (I'm predicting Kokoron, because in the HHw main story, she said that in order to make people happy, the band needs to stay happy, but she's pretty much a big factor in everyone's motivation.) Then Hagumi begins to feel sadder and Kaoru is like "This is not very fleeting..." And they all get more unmotivated. Kanon is just trying to think of something to get the band going again , and, in the end, Misaki is the one who motivates them. After all, at first she didn't even want join the band, but now she has and it's great! Well anyways, something along those lines, and this actually links perfectly with the ending prediction.

Bushiroad hire me. XD

October 02, 2018 19:27:59 +0000 (UTC)

  Happy belated birthday to Misaki, my 2nd best girl! I love her so much <3  

 also posted to my...

Happy belated birthday to Misaki, my 2nd best girl! I love her so much <3

(also posted to my tumblr, reblogs and likes are appreciated c:)

October 08, 2018 11:21:19 +0000 (UTC)


a very important psa!!!!


look at hagu and her little braid she's the ultimate cutie we stan <33

October 09, 2018 22:41:01 +0000 (UTC)

finally got my full Afterglow 3 star team  :,    maybe one day ill get a 4 star of one of these good...

finally got my full Afterglow 3 star team :,))) maybe one day ill get a 4 star of one of these good gurls

October 09, 2018 04:43:13 +0000 (UTC)


An Ode To Hanamaru○Andante A beautiful song

The past days have been terrible for me. I've been through HORRIBLE times this week, but, the fact that everyone here is still supporting me and caring for me makes me so happy I can't express it through words. I've also been playing Hanamaru○Andante a lot. I just like to listen to Aya's soft voice just singing that 「大丈夫だよ」which assures me that everything is going to be okay. That song has such a soothing effect on me. It's pretty underrated and I think people should pay more attention to this sweet-as-sugar song. The way it just calmed me down somehow makes me cry. Sometimes I just sit there with my laptop open and Hanamaru○Andante playing on it, and it feels really peaceful. I love the way Aya says in the first few lines that the sun is always shining and always looking out for her, as if it cared for her. That line makes me really peaceful and happy. Then in the chorus, she sings that she'll be okay, because her loved one, the one who cares for her, patted her back supportingly, and reminded her everything would be alright. It's really relaxing. I just somehow think of myself like the one down in the dumps and all of you being my caring ones, always there for me, always rooting for me. I want to thank all of you for always being here for me, and please give a listen to Hanamaru○Andante, it's a masterpiece of a song. Pasupare, thank you for this wonderful, soothing song.

October 09, 2018 05:04:53 +0000 (UTC)

You dont need anything else for a power metal band than a guitar, a bass, and a fuck ton of drums.

You dont need anything else for a power metal band than a guitar, a bass, and a fuck ton of drums.

October 01, 2018 06:11:38 +0000 (UTC)


fam, in my crusade to shine a light on pastel*palettes ive been noticing

theres a worryingly low amount of afterglow-related content on this website compared to the other bands (except popipa for some reason). ppl like shirifakku and anneAI have disappeared and they were devout aglow warriors, meanwhile i was distracted by the pastels and ended up becoming a father (not irl just if u were wondering lmao)

so now its like theres this big gaping hole where afterglow should be taking their rightful place and. theyre not in that place. its about time i put on some ripped skinny jeans & a spiked choker, and start fighting for the honor of aglow. they are such a cool band and they deserve as much love as ive been giving pasupare, and boy u better believe they gon be getting just that