Players list / Rinon

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Hey there, I'm Rinon! I'm just your average uni student who spends all of her time screaming over fictional characters. It's nice to meet you!

I got into Bandori when the WW version was released! My faves (as you can probably tell from above) are Saya, Ran and Michelle! Saya is my absolute fave, I love her a whole lot ♡

I also play a lot of idol games/mobages, (most of them are listed above). My carrd (linked above) has more info about me + my faves from other mobages, so check that out if you're interested!

I'm an awkward bean but feel free to start a convo with me anytime! I’d love to be friends!

Also I'm currently saving for the Christmas Saya 4* so wish me luck because I'm gonna need it to have this much self restraint. Edit: CHRISTMAS SAYA IS HOME I REPEAT CHRISTMAS SAYA IS HOME!!

Thanks for reading and have a nice day~

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