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October 24, 2018 03:15:43 +0000 (UTC)


So I freakin' love to sing, it's awesome and fun and even though I'm technically in band I always end up spending more time practicing singing then my actual school related graded instrument. I think/hope and pray that I'm a relatively decent singer and I'm not just tone deaf and my friends aren't lying to me and I always wonder how other people would feel about my style of singing. It's a lot softer then your typical bandori/LL voice, and I want to know how other people would view that, aka the internets

Only problem is I ain't got no equipment, I'm broke and my parents aren't gonna buy it for me 'cause it ain't school related, probs not even for christmas. That crap is expensive.

So I guess the point of this dumb post is does anyone know of a way to record decent sounding audio with just a phone and some free apps? I'm getting kinda desperate here >-<