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July 10, 2018 09:47:57 +0000 (UTC)

uhhh is this where i introduce myself?

H-hi! I'm Adoha and I've been fighting with myself for over a month and a half about whether or not I wanted to just lurk, but I figured I should say hello at least once. Right? What could possibly go wrong? E-everything, but anyway~

I started playing Bandori in April when a friend told me the game was getting a worldwide release and since I was looking for more gachas mobile games to play anyway and I've been a rhythm game addict since DDR was popular, I decided to give it a go. While I'm terrible at it, it's really fun and the small daughters have captured my heart. The Udagawa sisters are gonna kill me one day I swear.

uhhhh. Other than Bandori, I play Grindblue Fantasy and Crash Fever when I'm not playing and sometimes while I'm playing FFXIV. if you play those feel free to hmu for friend codes; I could always use more summons and Fes units to abuse try! Don't add me on XIV; I just get on to do Namazu dailies because I want the stupid catfish mount...

I also really like DGRP more V3 than anything else tbh, but please don't say anything about the spaceman or I will cry on you, okay. That's a bad idea. I am an adult, so please listen to me and do not do the thing. P-please? ;~;'s it, I think? I made a Bandori meme once but it's dumb. Maybe I'll post it later? iunno. Feel free to add me in-game on the EN server (I barely play JP anymore orz). (o 0o)9

o-ok i'm gonna go back to my hiding hole bye-bye