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May 16, 2019 18:13:13 +0000 (UTC)

Does anyone wanna take a guess of what beatmap this is? Because I'll be VERY amazed if someone...

Does anyone wanna take a guess of what beatmap this is? Because I'll be VERY amazed if someone guesses correctly.

Note Speed: 1.0, Note Size: 200%, Dual Tap Line: Off, Mirror: Off. If that helps.

Hint 1: Man, everyone's guessed a PoPiPa solo so far. It's not a PoPiPa song! Also it's an EXPERT beatmap.

Hint 2: It's an Afterglow song! And this: is the beatmap on Speed: 5.0, Size: 100% and Dual Tap Line: On!

The answer has been said! The beatmap is 'Hey-day Capriccio' on EXPERT!