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July 05, 2018 15:18:17 +0000 (UTC)


I like how similar Moca, Ran, & Tsugu's hairstyles are. kinda makes me think that maybe they go to the hairdresser together because they cut it at the same time so it's always growing too long at the same time too aa

July 06, 2018 03:34:07 +0000 (UTC)


oh my gosh! i love kaoru! she’s so pretty and amazing and gorgeous and talented and cute! smart lesbian! i love you so much, kaoru!

July 05, 2018 19:33:33 +0000 (UTC)


35k stars, saved since the start of the server specifically for this purpose, and no Sayo. Did manage to pull two dupes, however, despite only owning 2 4-stars. In total that puts me at around 45k stars spent on gacha, 10k for Yukina's 4-star and 35k for Sayo, and none of the desired cards received. At this point I'm just glad the game was generous enough to give me a copy of the '4 People at the Cafeteria' Yukina card, because hot damn I don't think I got any other card that I even wanted in this whole scouting fiasco.

Needless to say, I'm salty af.

June 16, 2018 01:07:54 +0000 (UTC)

Okay so I was playing the Multi Live and then got distracted. In the end I just failed it. The next...

Okay so I was playing the Multi Live and then got distracted. In the end I just failed it. The next time I tried to play I got THIS... the hell?

July 04, 2018 16:53:21 +0000 (UTC)


Hello guys! Im new here, but I'm just curious about the main story.. It feels like the story isn't finished or idk why, i know Main Story of this game is only 20 chapters but it's still making me uncomfortable.. Is there a sequel for the main story? (Dumb question)

July 03, 2018 02:54:37 +0000 (UTC)


I definitely would want HaroHapi to play at my party the most bc I'm a kid at heart but honestly any band could fit the theme depending on where your tastes lie - Roselia and Afterglow would be right at home at an edgy dance party, PoPiPa would give off a bouncy fun vibe but be more chill about it than HaroHapi, and can you imagine how fluffy and pure and aesthetically pleasing PasuPare would be?? You could have little kids dressing up as princesses and that would match so well? Can all the bands come to my party pls

June 07, 2018 12:12:17 +0000 (UTC)


Y'ALL!! Poppin' Party and Roselia should totally do a cover of World's End Dancehall, with Kasumi as Miku and Yukina as Luka. It would sound so awesome god now I really want this to happen

July 03, 2018 16:33:40 +0000 (UTC)

This was my last pull i just hoped it wasn’t another singel 3star pull. I was hugging my Madoka...

This was my last pull i just hoped it wasn’t another singel 3star pull.(I was hugging my Madoka Nesoberi so tight xD) When i saw the rainbow lights i got a mini heart attack lol. Hina mah baby came home i’m so happy ;v;

Sorry if i posted this already ;~;

July 03, 2018 20:36:09 +0000 (UTC)


ok so yall i now have THEEE kasumi 4 stars on my new jp acc, two of which are cool attributed. is this the definition of hell?

July 03, 2018 15:01:40 +0000 (UTC)

The 2nd pull was better. 4 3stars with my 2nd and 3rd best girl as a 3star ;v;

The 2nd pull was better. 4 3stars with my 2nd and 3rd best girl as a 3star ;v;

July 03, 2018 14:56:12 +0000 (UTC)

Hello guys so i did some pulls in the Twinkling Milky Way Gacha  I do this in parts i don’t know how...

Hello guys so i did some pulls in the Twinkling Milky Way Gacha (I do this in parts i don’t know how to put more that one image here xD)

So the first pull wasn’t really great only one 3star :| But thanks for coming home Kaoru!