Players list / tambyo

tambyo avatar


Hiya! My name's Carolina (I usually go by carcar though), and I've been a casual fan of 2d idols since I've discovered SIF about ~3 years ago. I also play deresute, but a lot more casual as of late. Band idols has been something that's been on my mind that I knew I would enjoy, but I never really knew where to look until I discovered this game was coming out in JP a year ago. I'm really happy and pleased with how the Bang Dream franchise has grown! The production of the game and the lives is really something special.

I honestly love everyone one way or another, but Hello, Happy World! is my fave band and has made me smile from the start~

EN vers. is finally out and it will be my main account. Hopefully gacha isn't awful and Kaoru plays nice. I also enjoy being able to read the stories within the game itself in english + support the localization just as much if not more than how I did on the JP vers. of the game.

I got my JP account back after so long (with the info I provided, Craft Egg support only took 4 days to get back to me!!) and I'll just keep it as a side for now..I initially took a break after the disaster that was Kokoro/Eve New Years + Sayo/Aya DreamFes gacha, but I missed my Christmas Saaya 4★ + the love and effort I put into this account since initial release.

EN Goals:

  • Save ★s for limited HHW gachas (will try to refrain from pulling on perm gachas)
  • Top 1k or even top 100 an event(s) that's either HHW focused or primarily features Kaoru/Kokoro
  • Get HHW band rank 30 title + HHW band area items maxed out asap
  • Spend responsibly.

JP Goals:

  • Play events casually, continue to get event cards
  • Save ★s for next DreamFes or HHW lim gacha
  • Save enough michelle stickers to collect all the event cards + stamps I missed (starting with all HHW and then in order of preference)
  • Limit spending to miracle tickets only, if I do choose to spend again

School Idol Tomodachi

Cinderella Producers

2 accounts: