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June 17, 2021 04:45:15 +0000 (UTC)

       For this  RASpreciation, I decided to talk about my favorite character from RAS   and Bandori...
For this #RASpreciation, I decided to talk about my favorite character from RAS (and Bandori as a whole, no matter how hard it is to choose)


Back before I got serious about ranking in the game or trying to do anything fandom-related, I knew RAS was my ult band (besides PoPiPa) and part of it was their ability to bring a serious conflict into the main plot (to those who don't read the stories in-game, like I hadn't previously) and make a distinct mark in the franchise.

Although, at that point in time, I was too distracted to remember everything until I re-watched all of Bandori over again.

But, it was after I watched it again that CHU² caught my attention.

Her blunt actions, hilarious English outbursts, determination to create amazing music and overall cuteness (yes, I have a problem) made me "stan" her from the first glimpse.

In some ways, I think it's because I have some similar personality traits with her and can see how she struggles to express herself in a more conventionally-accepted way; that is something I relate to (and deeply sympathize) with her for.

She's not only bark, bark, PRODUCER-SAN!!1!

Chiyu is a very emotional person underneath all of that bravado, and wants to be acknowledged for her skill, even if she didn't have the natural skill(s) her mother had to get her where she is now.

She gave each member of RAS a place to fit in and be themselves. Regardless of the misunderstandings, she does her best and wants to change the world with them. At such a young age, it's incredibly impressive and I can't help but admire how driven she is about her passions (with or without her exorbitant amounts of money in order to achieve them).

Her dynamic with PAREO has to be my favorite of each relationship in Bandori (besides that of Masuki and Rokka). It's just so... fun and silly. If it weren't for Chiyu, I would probably put Rokka, Reona or Masuki in this top spot.

They're just a top-tier band, without a need for ranking because they're above it all, in my opinion.

And that's only one part of why I love RAISE A SUILEN so much. 💙💜