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December 07, 2018 20:55:18 +0000 (UTC)


I saw a Christmas wishlist going around and wanted to give it a post! Thank you Hagu for the idea! (I think you were the first)

Tsugu Tsugu please T_T You are the card that I most want.I have dumped 15k+ stars and counting to bring you home. Please please please come!

Himari -sigh- Another limited card I know. Hopefully it comes back.

Ran I want all the Ran cards okay???

December 03, 2018 18:53:32 +0000 (UTC)


guys, it's santa month! you know what that means? you should write christmas lists so rngesus santa will deliver the cards you want~ as for me, i'm saving for dreamfes, so here is my bandori christmas list for rngesus-sama santa!

a 4-star of any of the following girls:

  • ran (ran is adorable and i love her and if santa ignores me i'm miracle ticket-ing her)
  • tomoe (i love both udagawas and her 4-stars are all amazing)
  • yukina (queen. loves cats. pls come, we need you-)

or, alternatively, any of these dream cards:

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let's see if this ritual works whenever the next dreamfes starts...!
December 06, 2018 08:59:47 +0000 (UTC)

I'm still in shock that best girl actually came home... I feel so, so blessed. This is inspiring me...

I'm still in shock that best girl actually came home... I feel so, so blessed. This is inspiring me to save my stars for the next DreamFest so that maybe her DreamFest card will come home... I think that's still a pipe dream, but this sparks the tiniest bit of hope in me! Thank you so much Moca-chan! I'm sorry I ever doubted you!!!!!!!

November 04, 2018 12:32:28 +0000 (UTC)

hi I know this has been posted many times but I really want wind eve and I only have 7000 stars so...

hi I know this has been posted many times but I really want wind eve and I only have 7000 stars so basically 2 pulls (I'm close to 3 tho) so yeah I'm sorry ghhufr also goodluck to any one scouting!!

December 05, 2018 17:29:15 +0000 (UTC)


My Christmas wishlist :

Christmas arisa Producer Maya mommy saya kanon with pengu misaki short ponytail summer tae

rngesus pls have mercy on me
yea, only 1 of them is out on EN so meh :/
November 30, 2018 23:27:18 +0000 (UTC)


Scouting will commence shortly (`・ω・´) I’ll update this post with the results but I need to scout for the new Chika UR on SIF and do some other stuff first 1

Anyway here’s a picture of my shrine! (can you even call it that) ive been saving for Christmas Saya since the ww server was released im desperate


Ok, so now an update! I apologise if this ends up being too long kfhdj

1 This was the first pull I did, and I’m so surprised that I managed to get a 4* right off bat (even if it wasn’t Saya) and the other popipa cards too! I really like the Christmas Arisa card as well

2 This was my second pull and I almost screamed!! Another 4*! I should mention I only have like. two 4*s because I’ve been saving since the beginning

3 Another 4*! I was kinda beginning to believe that rate up was a lie.

4 I didn’t record the 10 pull but this is one of my favourite cards in the game!! I’m really happy I pulled this

I did another 5 or so pulls and was beginning to get really anxious, so stopped pulling for a bit to go and unlock some 2* stories, and brought my stars back up to 30000.

And once I did- 5 6

I ALMOST CRIED. I COULDNT BELIEVE IT SHE ACTUALLY CAME HOME!! I didn’t even have to spent half of the stars I saved up!

Its been like half an hour and honestly I’m still in disbelief. I scouted for Chika earlier and she came home and I just. Idk what I’ve done to deserve my best girls loving me so much.

My next goal is probably the latest Saya card that came out not that long ago! I need Saya with her hair down...

And that’s it! This end up been super long I’m sorry (;ω;) I really want to say thank you to this community! I feel like a lot of you guys have cheered me on and encouraged me on this a lot! So once again thank you from the bottom of my heart (╹◡╹)♡

December 03, 2018 22:10:27 +0000 (UTC)


inspired by hagu's post here's my bandori christmas wish list!

Sunset Smiling Star Lisa Azure Shine Bright Ran Azure Shine Bright Himari Dreamfes Aya

please santa i've been doing my best this year

December 05, 2018 05:31:55 +0000 (UTC)


My christmas wishlist ;w; May I have the patience to wait for the gachas T_T

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December 05, 2018 06:06:34 +0000 (UTC)


you guYS


this is how it went down

me(using her as an armrest[LITERALLY SHES NOT EVEN 5”]while she casually gachas a 10 scout) : welp this is nice

her(somehow manages to get another 3 star before the end): it’s an ariha oh that’s nice

me(recognizing the dialogue): sHIT

her: what

me: that’s. christmas. arisa.

her: so?

(after a bit of showing her[she also got that elegant rose yukina now i’m really jealous])

her: it’s so pretty!

me: ...


it’s proof

her: of what


her: you need to go to a mental asylum

me: ya i know i tried to smack someone with my trombone today cuz they were pissing me off

her: waIT WHAT?! [insert my real name here], WHAT HAS HAPPENED TO YOU?!?!?!?

that explains my relationship with everyone irl person i know