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January 24, 2019 06:15:58 +0000 (UTC)



fictional events are a thing now ty yukikasu ily you sasquatch

kaomisa basically!

event title: a fleeting experience(im sorry but i couldnt think)

event characters: kaoru, misaki, chisato, lisa, kokoro

event type: powerful

edit: other event type: challenge live

challenge songs: romeo(naturally), yura-yura ring-dong-dance(????), sanctuary

storyline: so basically kaoru asks misaki if she wants to go on a "date"(kaoru words it, "a fleeting experience you shall never forget") and misaki reluctantly says sure. they run into chisato and lisa in a bookstore and kaoru is being the kinkiest person in the store, aaaand bOOM! kokoro appears out of nowhere and its a funfunfun day i suppose. in the end they get ice cream so its all good

event cards:

chisato 2 star(cool): long, 3/4 sleeve golden dress with sparkling embellishments, low cut, small white rose on side of dress and hair, hair in braided pigtails

kokoro 3 star(pure): untrained:(in summer outfit)peeking around a bookstore shelf snooping in on undercover kaomisa(really theyre just aimlessly walking) trained: same dress format as chisa except ruffled at sleeve cuffs and at bottom, fully long sleeve, blue in color and gray rose, and hair is down

gacha(enchanted summer days)

lisa 3 star(powerful): untrained: eating ice cream(how specific)cameo kaoru, misaki and kokoro trained: same format dress except pink, short puffed sleeves, no ruffles except bottom, larger blue rose on waist and hair, nice mary poppins hat but it matches, hair is down

misaki 4 star(powerful): untrained: laughing with kaoru and chisato, lisa spying on them trained: (michelle time!) same format as chisato but its white with a black rose, no rose in hair, and sleeveless. cameo lisa

kaoru 4 star(powerful): untrained: walking around the garden with misaki trained: same format as everyone bUT higher cut dress, maroon rose with black dress. cameo misaki and lisa

yay bros im done here

January 23, 2019 18:07:10 +0000 (UTC)

Omg, This is the first time I've got so many points in the event.

Omg, This is the first time I've got so many points in the event.

January 21, 2019 11:00:19 +0000 (UTC)


The NFO event story is now my new favorite Event Story overall and my new favorite Roselia story. Also Sayo is so adorable being so addicted to the game just to help the NPCs and get stamps.

I really wish we get a mixed NFO event in the future with Sayo as the 4* being a highly respected Tank after all that grinding!

January 21, 2019 02:21:40 +0000 (UTC)



January 22, 2019 13:32:36 +0000 (UTC)

    I Hate Live Goals Event!

What happened to Multi?

Have you noticed the increasing number of...

I Hate Live Goals Event!

What happened to Multi?

Have you noticed the increasing number of player who failed at multi? It's understandable if players failed at Free or Regular room, because (I assume) the majority of them are new players. They don't have proper team and items.

I'm talking about Master room, where most of the player are already familiar with this game. This happened not once. For 10 times I played today, I found 7 different players who pick Expert and then failed. I'm not good at math, but 7(the number of failed)/(10 plays x 4 persons, excluding myself), almost 20% chance you encounter at least one player who failed.

Do you want to clear EX missions? There are some dirty tricks if you so desperately want that EX Goal Master title. I know one or two player who sometimes use modded apk to farm stars, and their accounts are still active til today. Just use that modded apk to finish the goals, and move back to original apk. You aren't cheating scores for Top 10, anyway, so devs probably won't notice you.

Or, if you want a safer way. There are pro players who offer their services for a few bucks. Join Bandori trade group and you will find those people.

Or just give up and pick easier difficulty as usual.

Please. If you can't survive 26 or above, please don't pick Expert. It severely affect overall score if you failed.


P.S.: the title is a click bait, I like this event. Also, I'm not a native English speaker, I'm sorry for grammar mistakes or poor words.

January 22, 2019 16:38:28 +0000 (UTC)


Can anyone give me some advice on how to tier without spending money please? I really want to tier in either the persona or white day event, but my team is...pretty bad because I've been saving my stars forever lol gotta get that phantom thief ran am I right

January 22, 2019 03:40:09 +0000 (UTC)


helpful advice! dont solo for anything if youre saving

dont do what i did

do not say "oh im saving for persona himari but RINKO!!!! just one solo!!!" bc you know what happened to my 1250 stars? 6 solos later i walked out with a 4* arisa cool i couldve used last event. i mean thanks arisa but like ur not rinko

can someone ban me from solo'ing

EDIT: since im being buwullied i have given in. arisa is very valid ok i was joking about the wrong thing. arisas cards are beautiful. love u too isoh and bushidori dad