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April 15, 2019 21:00:55 +0000 (UTC)

 Takes a breath in and exhales  Alright.... folks you know what day it is today  in my time zone ...

-Takes a breath in and exhales- Alright.... folks you know what day it is today (in my time zone) IT’S APRIL 15TH WHICH IS TOMOE UDAGAWA’S FLIPPIN BIRTHDAY -Throws maroon confetti everywhere-

Okay so I’m gonna say a bunch of sappy stuff CHEESY TO THE MAX WARNING

So at first when I got this game geez one year ago?? I didn’t think much of Tomoe because she was in one of those rock bands. Personally I didn’t think much of Afterglow at the start. I didn’t like the type of genre they played, though I’ve grown to adore it as time has gone on...... As I played through the story, though, I started noticing Tomoe as a good person who holds Afterglow together. She is a cool, calm young teenage woman who doesn’t hold grudges against others. Also I mean she plays the taiko drums???? I love freaking Taiko Tatsuya??? C’mon someone better make a BanG Dream! x Taiko Tatsuya collab or I WILL SUE EVERYONE WHO MADE THE GAME— just kidding, I can’t sue anyone cuz I’m only twelve (practically 13 but who cares) We also share the same favorite color: maroon! That’s pretty cool~ Yeah one more thing...Tomoe has slowly started swaying her way into my heart (Guess what?? I am GAY!!!) and she has actually helped me cope with my horrible, HORRIBLE social anxiety. Like say I’m at a mall or something like that and I have anxiety. Guess what I do? I call on Tomoe Udagawa, the Holy Drumming Goddess herself. For some reason I just find her voice so soothing and calming and ahhhhdjdkdod //// OH YEAH speaking of voices when she sings in Ready Steady Go, I was absolutely shocked when I first heard that. And I still am. We need a TOMOE SOLO SONG CRAFTEGG YOU COWARDS!!!!! I love you, Tomoe. Don’t blame me I’m flippin gay for you and I’d do anything for you.

—From StanKasumi

November 14, 2019 12:37:47 +0000 (UTC)

BanG Dream! Girls Band Party! 10 Day Band Maker Challenge: Day 3

Vocalist & Guitarist   Hotaru...

BanG Dream! Girls Band Party! 10 Day Band Maker Challenge: Day 3

Vocalist & Guitarist - Hotaru Kagura (神楽 ホタル)

School: Haneoka Girls' Academy (羽丘女子学園)

Year: 2nd Year (2年生)

Class: 2-B (2年B組)

Age: 17 (17歳)

Birthday: June 13th (6月13日)

Star Sign: Gemini (双子座)

Birthstone: Alexandrite (アレクサンドライト)

Height: 160cm

Likes: Vampire Makeup (吸血鬼のメイク), Emo Fashion (エモファッション), Dark Colors (暗い色), Her Hair Extensions (髪毛のストリップ), Wolves (狼), Listening to Heavy Metal (ヘビメタを聴く)

Dislikes: Pastel Colors (パステル色), Boy Bands Live (ボーイバンドのライブ), Listening to Country Pop (カントリーポップを聴く)

Favorite Food: Tomato Juice (トマトジュース), Nacho Chips (ナチョチップス), French Fries (フライドポテト)

Least Favorite Food: Seaweed (海苔), Cucumbers (胡瓜), Green Beans (グリーンビーンズ), Wasabi (山葵)

CV: Yui Nakajima (中島 唯)

November 14, 2019 18:45:02 +0000 (UTC)

I made in class a Hagu sketch for  day 12 of...

I made in class a Hagu sketch for day 12 of Hagu-month :D

I'll redraw it in my notebook(maybe later maybe tomorrow honestly idk when) because I did this sketch in a pretty wrinkled paper lmao

Also since I was in class,I couldn’t look in my phone how her outfit was,so I trusted in my really bad memory

November 11, 2019 23:42:48 +0000 (UTC)



Back-to-Back sister event cards?

Kinda cute though, also Hina's got some mad cute Alien Antennas goin' on. Also, forgot to say this whenever I posted my last event analysis, but good luck to everyone pulling in the gachas for both of the servers! Both sets are gorgeous! My favorite in the 'Devoted Idol' set would have to be Maya and Aya, while my favorite two for the 'Crash X Time' set would have to be Ako and Lisa's cards.

Happy gacha'ing!